create the plural from the following nouns: car, pet, elephant
Identify the words: /kæt/, /braʊn/
cat, brown
Translate into czech: be tall, have green eyes, have short hair
být vysoký, mít zelené oči, mít krátké vlasy
What do we call this animal?
Name the following object:
create the plural from the following nouns:
lunch, door, watch, puppy
lunches, doors, watches, puppies
Identify the words: /lʌv/, /θriː/, /'bɪə/
love, three, beer
Translate into czech: she has short straight hair and is very thin
Má krátké rovné vlasy a je velmi hubená
What do we call the following animals?
cow, bee, hamster
Translate into English: čarodějnice, duch, krev, upír
witch, ghost, blood, vampire
create the plural from the following nouns:
tax, city, ray, goose, foot, woman, bus, person
taxes, cities, rays, geese, feet, women buses, people
Identify the words: /'jʌŋ/, /'bɑ:θ/, /bʌt/, /ʃiːp/, /ˈmʌð.ə/
young, bath, but, sheep, mother
Translate into English: Má kudrnaté hnědé vlasy a lehkou nadváhu
She/He has curly hair and is a bit overweight
Translate into English: koza, morče, osel, velryba, zabra
goat, guinea pig, donkey, whale, zebra
Translate into English: O Halloweenu lidé zdobí dýně a mají na sobě kostýmy.
On Halloween, people decorate pumpkins and wear costumes.
create the plural from the following nouns: library, knife, boss, army, tooth, company, boy, wife
libraries, knives, bosses, armies, teeth, companies, boys, wives
Identify the words: /hɔːs/, /skuːl/, /ˈrʌb.ər/, /wɜːk/, /laɪf/, /mæd/
horse, school, rubber, work, life, mad
Translate into English: On je hezký. Má vousy a knír a je štíhlý. Jeho přítelkyně není hezká. Je obézní.
He is handsome. He has a beard and a moustache and is slim. His girlfriend is not pretty. She is obese.
Translate into Czech: Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. One of the slowliest are turtles and sloths.
Gepard je nejrychlejší zvíře na světě. Jedni z nejpomalejších jsou želvy a lenochodi.
Identify the object from the riddle:
I sleep upside down and I fly though night. I live in dark places and I do not have good eyesight. What am I?
create the plural from the following nouns: kiss, house, brush, deer, lady, sheep, man, child
kisses, houses, brushes, deer, ladies, sheep, men, children
Identify the words: /bəʊt/, /'jʌŋ/, /ˈjel.əʊ/, /ˈwɔː.tər/, /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/
boat, young, yellow, water, morning
Translate into English: Je plešatý a je střední postavy. Má hodně beďarů a jizvu na čele. Má nadváhu. Potřebuje rovnátka.
He is bald and medium-height. He has a lot of pimples and a scar on his forehead. He is overweight. He needs braces.
Most mammals feed milk to their young until they are at least two months old.
at least = nejméně
Většina savců krmí svá mláďata mlékem nejméně do věku dvou měsíců.
Identify the object from the riddle: It is thanks to this item that you can sweep the floor. It's also used by witches. So they can fly and soar. What is it?
a broom(stick)