Article I
Article II
Article III
Articles IV-VII
Bill of Rights

How many representatives can New Hampshire have?



How long is a president’s term?

what is 4 years?


Where should the judging power of the United States be put?

What is one supreme most powerful Court


The government's decisions are usually influenced by who?

the people


What amendment states: “Certain rights in the constitution shall not be seen to be the only rights. There are more rights that are given to and held by the people?”

Amendment 9


If one of the senators is too sick or dies, who comes to take their spot?

The governor chooses someone to be senator until next meeting


Who is the executive power given to?

Who is the President of the United States of America


When should the Judges hold their offices?

What is Good Behavior


Who makes decisions and has final say about the land that belongs to the United States?

the congress


After amendment 20, when does the president take office?

January 20th


Explain what would happen if the vice president is not there to choose officers?

The senate would come up to choose the officers for a short time until the vice president comes back or another fills the position.


Explain how the President can make the country get better.

What is to give information to Congress about what is needed to make the country better. Then discuss with the House of the Congress to solve these problems and put the plan into action.


What does the judge's power deal with?

What is all cases


If a slave escapes and is found in another state what is the call of action?

The slave that is found must be sent back to their previous state and their proper owner


Why does a police officer say, “you have the right to remain silent, everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law?”

If the arresting cop does not read a criminal their rights, the case will not be able to hold in court.


How are the senators and each house of states alike?

They are alike because they both choose some one to fill in a position,


What are some examples to find the President or Vice President guilty of treason?

What is taking money, hurting someone badly, murder and/or small crimes


Where does trial of all crimes by jury be held?

What is the state


What is considered the highest law of the land created by?

The constitution and Law of the United States


What is an example of a freedom listed in Amendment 1?

speech, press, religion, assembly, or petition


Predict what would happen if there are a small number of members in a house for business

It will force the attendance of absent members and some may be punished for this for votes that are missing.


Predict what would happen if the President requested a treaty.

The President must ask the Senate and the Senate must have at least two-thirds say “yes” and the President will go to meet the ambassadors to complete the treaty.


Who has the power to decide the punishment for treason?

What is the Congress


If a person commits a crime or a felony in any state and is found in another state, what happens?

They are sent back to the original state and must  go in for a trial


Why is it important to know your rights?

To help you advocate for yourself and respond appropriately if you encounter the police