What year did Congress pass the Endangered Species Act?
This introduced insect is extremely beneficial as a pollinator, as well as providing products for human use.
European Honey Bee
Define what it means to be considered a keystone species.
An organism that helps define an entire ecosystem.
What is a deer under the age of 1 called?
Name a fish
Define what it means to be considered an extirpated species.
A local extinction: no longer existing in a particular area, but exists elsewhere.
This invasive bird is a major threat to agriculture and often competes for cavity nests with native birds, sometimes even removing the native eggs from nests.
European Starling
This keystone species shapes wetland habitats by building dams.
What is a baby male horse called?
This endangered aquatic species has very specific habitat requirements and is known as the largest salamander in North America.
This thorny, invasive shrub grows in dense thickets, inhibiting native plant growth and can sometimes be mistaken for a blackberry bush when in bloom.
Multiflora Rose
This keystone species is an apex predator that plays an important role in the food chain, specifically in Yellowstone National Park.
Gray wolves
What is a female bear called?
Define the difference between endangered and threatened.
Endangered is a species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Threatened is a species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.
This invasive fish is a threat to native fish & other native wildlife and can survive on land for up to four days.
Northern Snakehead
This marine keystone ecosystem supports all marine life, as well as provides protection and habitat for many species.
Coral Reefs
What is a baby bat called?
This endangered bird species is known as the most aggressive raptor and has been known to attack people who come too close to their nest.
Northern Goshawk
Define biological control.
humans purposely manipulate populations of beneficial species to manage undesirable/pest species.
This fluffy keystone species in Glacier Bay preys on sea urchins, which allows kelp forests to flourish.
Sea Otters
What is a baby platypus called?
What species was recently reintroduced to Pennsylvania by the Game Commission after being extirpated after many years?
Northern Bobwhite