Who let the dogs out
How many kids does Bishop Park have?
The Lord commanded the early Saints to gather to this location, calling it "the center place" of Zion. Where was this location?
Independence Missouri
What is the Brother of Jared's real name?
Mahonri Moriancumer
In the section Love God, Love your neighbor it asks "how can I feel God's Love?"
What is the answer?
God's love is always available
Where is a shrimp's heart located
In the Head
Where did Brother Vallejo serve his Mission?
Albuquerque New Mexico
This early church leader once a close friend of Joseph Smith fell into apostacy and lead the Kirtland Safty Society, which contributed to financial difficulties for the Saints
Sydney Rigdon
How many books are in the Book of Mormon?
In the section Jesus Christ will help you, it asks "how do I know if God has forgiven me?"
God promises he will forgive those who will repent.
What is California's state fruit?
An Avocado
Where did Bishop Park serve his mission?
Vancouver Canada
Though all three of the special witnesses of the Book of Mormon left the church at some point, this is the only one who never returned to full fellowship before his death.
David Whitmer
Who was the narrator of the Book of Ether?
In the section Your Body is Sacred it asks "how can I overcome temptation and bad habits?"
What is the answer?
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have the power to help you
What is the longest word in the English Dictionary?
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Which has 45 letters
How many kids does Brother Elijah have?
In 1842 Joseph Smith organized this society calling it "a kingdom of priests" and instructed its members to "relieve the poor and Savs Souls"
What was the society called
Relief Society
Who was the servant that joined Nephi and his family in the wilderness?
In the section Walk in God's light it asks "How can I know if I am feeling the Holy Ghost?"
what was the answer?
Learning to be aware of the spirit takes time, practice, and patience
What Happens when an irresistible force meets an impenetrable barrier?
Who is the Oldest in the Bishopric?
Brother Elijah
The Doctrine and Covenants includes revelations instructing Joseph Smith to revise the Bible. This book lost to history for centuries was partially restored through revelation. What book is this?
How old was Mormon when he took charge of the Nephite armies.
In the section "The Truth will make you free" it asks "how can I stand up for what's right without offending those who have different beliefs?"
What is the answer?
Start by making sure your words are inspired by love for God and His Children