Sensory impairment.
What causes falls? Decreased vision.
Unlabeled bottles.
What is harmful material?
Clearing airway.
What is Heimlic maneuver.
What is outside resident''s door?
What is an oxygen sign?
Shoes that should be worn.
What is non-slip shoes.
Labeled containers.
What are instructions.
Resident symptoms.
What is the universal sign? Holding throat.
Patient should not do while on oxygen?
What is smoking?
What should be in reach?
What is a call light?
Substance that is locked up.
What is harmful substance.
inhalation of Foreign material
What is aspiration?
Acronym for fire emergency.
RACE (Rescue, alert, confine, extinguish).
Provide a clear?
What is a clear pathway?
Know your chemicals
What are labels?
Grasping the throat?
What is universal sign?
What should be observed?
What is oxygen rate?
Used to prevent wheelchair from moving.
What are brakes?
Material safety data sheet
What is MSDS?
Coughing forcefully.
What is clearing airway?
What should you know?
What is the facilities polices?