What is to leave in French?
What is Birth in French?
La naissance
What is a babysitter in French?
Christmas tree in French
Sapin de Noel
Christmas in french
What is Marriage in French?
La mariage
What is a server in French?
Serveur/ Serveuse
wedding dress in French
Robe de mariee
Halloween in French
What is to come back in French?
To come back
What is Baptism in French?
Fruit and vegetable picking in French
Cueillette de fruits/ légume
Fireworks in French
Thanksgiving in French
action de grace
What is To enter in French?
What is a driver's license in French?
Permis de conduire
Camp counselor in French
moniteur/ monitrice de camp
Halloween candy in French
Bonbons d'halloween
New years in French
Nouvelles annees
What is to do down in French?
What is a graduation ceremony in French?
La remise de diplome
Supermarket employee in french
Employee de supermarche
turkey on thanksgiving in french
dinde a l'action de grace
Valentine's day in French
Saint Valentin