According to ILM, what must you do to adjust the length of flush?
adjust bypass opening.
Where are the fixtures served on a circuit vent?
On the same storey.
What component is a good choice to replace the wild loop?
Differential Pressure Regulator.
What flow condition can be reduced or eliminated with the use of a spring loaded check valve?
At what temperature is water being returned in a circulation riser?
40 degrees celsius.
According to the ILM, what are the two sizes for automatic urinal flush tank?
3 and 5 gallon
Fixtures with FOP's less than " " shall be vented or circuit-vented separately.
What is the btu value of an EDR for steam?
240 btu/hr
What is the most common design for bonnets used on larger high-pressure valves?
Bolted Bonnet.
A thermostatic mixing valve is installed in a building the HWT outlet is 150 degrees F, and the cold water supply is 45 degrees F. If the mixing valve is delivering 12 GPM at 140 degrees F, How many hot and cold GPM are being used per minute?
Cold= 1.14 GPM, Hot = 10.86 GPM
What is the most common width and length for backing when installing a wingback for a shower?
2"X4" by 14 1/2"
What is the maximum horizontal offset in a wet vent?
What is the name for a machine or unit that dissipates heat to the atmosphere?
The maximum temperature of water discharged from a sterilizer without a requirement for cooling is " " F
170 F
What are the three voltages used in hot water tank elements?
120, 208, 240 volts.
What's the size in mm of a wheelchair accessible stall?
1500 mm X 900 mm
When shall an additional circuit vent be required? 2 answers Boone.
When the horizontal change of direction exceeds 45 degrees.
When there are more than 8 circuit vented fixtures connected to the branch.
When performing maintenance on a heating system, what should a technician keep a look out for?
Leaking fluid.
What would be required on a 6" plug valve?
What two things can be done to prevent a T&P valve from liming up?
Use plastic coating on sensing elements, and installing T&P valves in a vertical position.
American Standard made women's unrinals between what years?
1950 - 1973
A branch serving 45 fixture units is circuit vented. The vent travels 18 m before connecting to the stack vent upstream of the branch.
What size is the circuit vent?
The branch cannot be connected to a stack upstream of a circuit vented fixture.
After filtering the system of all containments, what size of filter is a good choice for constant running system?
5 microns.
According to the ILM, what is the maximum size for a butterfly valve?
What two general methods are for preventing high temperatures?
Eliminate source of heat, admitting cold water into tank, and discharging hot water after a temperature is reached.