Philip's original homeroom teacher. He was a really laid back and chill guy.
Bernard Lunser
Philip is kicked out of class originally for doing what?
Humming the national anthem
What state does Philip go to school in?
New Hampshire
What is the First Amendment about?
Freedom of speech
Author of Nothing But The Truth
What is one way the school district let Miss Narwin down?
1. Deny her request to take a seminar.
2. Claim that there is no rule against singing "The Star-Spangled Banner."
3. Try to force her into taking time off/retiring early.
Harrison High
False information that is shared by someone who is not aware that the information is false.
Superintendent of the school district
Dr. Albert Seymour
The newspaper claims that Philip is suspended for what?
What is Philip really good at?
False information that is shared for the express purpose of misleading people.
Assistant Principal
Dr. Joesph Pallini
At the end of the book, Miss Narwin ends up...
What book is Philip is reading on his own?
The Outsiders
These are false stories and/or articles that are deliberately created to mislead people.
Fake news
Jake Barlow
On the school board
What is the name of the school Philip ends up attending?
Washington Academy
One of the hoaxes we looked at involved a creature called the North American House ________