what szn was the desirt szn in fortnite
szn 5!
What does the acronym LGBTQ mean?
Lesbian Gay Bi Trans and Queer
avrage eye color
what year did fortnite come out
What is one color on the non-binary flag?
yellow, white, purple, or back
avriage hair color
black or brown
How much vbuycks is the battle pass
What historic event paved way for LGBTQ rights across the United States
The stonewall riots
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name the fortnite legend with blue hair
What colors are on the Pan flag
Pink, yellow, and blue
avrage natinality in the usa
what date did og fortnite come back
november 3
Define either gender dysphoria, or gender euphoria
Gender dysphoria: feeling uncomfortable in ones own body because of dissacociation with their gender identity
gender euphoria: happiness due to one own body aligning with their gender identity
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