What room number does our SRA live in?
Room 142
How long is our Staff D meeting?
120 min/2hrs
At what time is our front desk not open.
3am to 6am
Which station has the longest lines always?
Fusion 48
What is the last 2 number of a single SP ACC Student room?
How many Isr groups do we have?
What LLCs are in ISR?
Innovation, Honors, Sustainability
Inclusive solutions.
How many bathrooms are there in the 3rd floor?
18 bathrooms.
What room does staff D meeting happen?
Wardall Room 113
What theme was our RA Training
Jurassic theme.
Greek Salad.
What room number does Amber live in?
Room 183
Where is Amber's office? (Need room number)
Room 112
When did we have to come back for spring orientation?
What time does breakfast start in the weekend in ISR?
What room number do I (Sun) Live in?
Room 341
Who is our Area Coordinator?
Nancy Huang
When did our Fall Orientation (RA Training) officially start?
How many Stations do we have in ISR?