Nursing Staff
Unit Facts
Nursing Staff 2
1JPE Dietary

This staff member is most easily recognized by their hosting of DBT. They also have a cat named Poppy, and spread positivity wherever they go. Without them, we may lack essential skills we need in life.



What are the three crisis survival skills?

Self-soothing skills, distractions, and turning of the mind.


When is bingo hosted?

Every other Saturday around 11:15 AM. 


This nursing staff is almost always seen working overnight. They have a heart of gold, and their voice always makes other patients smile. They are also the go-to for questions regarding showering, medications, and just anything at all. 



This special is served on breakfasts sometimes during Wednesdays. It is similar to banana bread. 

Banana-Walnut Pancakes. 


This member of staff is notorious for their long monologues and dedication to unit rules, but is always positive, encouraging, and helpful nevertheless. 



What is the job of our emotions.

To grab our attention, tell us something isn't right, or to bring about a change. 


How many 'carts' in total visit/are on the unit?

There are four: book cart, sleep cart, snack cart, and meal cart.


This soon-to-be nursing staff is still on orientation. They commonly have their hair up in a ponytail, and hover around Keisha most of the time. They might also be known by the mention of Taco Bell during a DBT game. Unknowingly, they also have a forehead freckle. 



This special is an Italian cuisine. It is served sometimes during Monday nights and comes with a piece of chicken. 

Chicken Alfredo


This staff member is most notorious for their constant changing of their hair color. They are also credited for being one of the most dry, hilarious nurses by many other staff. They also often say 'deal' or 'dude'. 



When we are making decisions using both our pragmatic and emotional mind, what mind are we using?

We are using our wise mind.


How many patient rooms are there on the unit?

9 Patient Rooms


This staff is a bit older than the other staff on the unit. They have grandchildren, and only work on the weekends. Many patients like to pick fun with them, and they are always ensuring every nurse gets their break. Sometimes people call them their grandma. 



Every now and again on Wednesdays, you might be able to order this Midwestern staple. It is fairly similar to a Thanksgiving food we all know and love. 

Tater-tot Casserole 


This staff member is typically seen directing patients to their visits. They are also the person who is typically the first to help out due to being readily available. Their energy is always quick to brighten others' days as well. They're also planning to go into the surgery field in the future. 



These serve as precursors to emotions, and can often tell us when an emotion is coming before we even know it. 

Physical sensations. 


How many libraries are on the 1JPE unit? 

There are four: One in oak, one in palm, one in day room, and one in evergreen


This staff member is a foster parent with their romantic partner. They are often seen bearing a stylish brown curly hairstyle around the unit. Also, they are typically the first person to be eliminated during games. They also have a nickname of 'Ketchup'.



On Thursday dinners, you might get this special topped with meats of all kinds. It is an Italian-styled dish that appeals to those with a major savory tooth. 

Meatlover's Pizza 


This staff member is often made fun of for their height, but is extremely laid back nonetheless. They have almost-white long hair, and are usually runner. Without them the party just isn't the same. They also are known for saying 'Hey Bestie' to Mia. 


When you practice a skill over and over again until you progressively get better at it, you are doing what? 

You are building mastery. 


How many minutes do you have to shower, and then get ready in the morning?

15 minutes


This staff is a bit younger than the other staff on the unit, yet is so mature you can't tell. They won the award for most likes of the month at one point, and are truly dedicated to their caretaking of patients. Their favorite color is hot pink, and at one point wore a hibiscus scrub-top to prove it. 



On an exhausting Sunday night, you should be able to order this tangy yet sweet item. It comes on a bun, and has an after-taste that makes you want more. 

BBQ Beef Sandwich