Criminal Law
Civ Pro
Thinking like a Lawyer
This inchoate offense requires an agreement and and overt action be taken by any member who is a party to the agreement.
What is conspiracy
Ignorance or mistake is a defense that may negate what element of a crime?
What is culpability
3 Prong test to determine what Due Process Requires (Case Name)
What is Matthew v. Elridge
These are the elements of negligence
What is duty, breach, harm, proximate cause, cause in fact (actual cause).

Follow the plain meaning of the statutory text, except when textual plain meaning requires an absurd result or suggests scrivener’s error

What is plain meaning rule

This inchoate offense does not require the completion of a crime, but only a substantial step towards its commission.
What is criminal attempt
To make this motion after a jury has rendered a verdict, a party must have made the same motion after a party has rested their case.
What is motion for judgment as a matter of law?
This Federal Rule of Civil Procedure presents a motion to dismiss for failure to join a required party.
What is 12(b)(7)?
This theory of tort law states that there is no duty to act affirmatively to rescue a person in peril
What is nonfeasance?

Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion

What is IRAC - paradigm

These types of offenses have no culpability requirement.
What is strict liability (or status offense).
One of these is NOT an element of false imprisonment a. willful detention b. without consent c. physical restraint d. specific area
What is c. physical restraint. (it is enough that a person felt as though they could not leave).
True or False. To dismiss a case for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, a party must make an oral or written motion?
What is False. The court must do so when they realize they lack subject matter jurisdiction.
When a plaintiff is found to also be partially negligent, this theory of negligence would deny the plaintiff any recovery.
What is contributory negligence?
This offense gives liability to one person for the conduct of another based upon help or assistance to the direct perpetrator of the actus reus either before or during the commission of a crime.
What is complicity?
According to Model Penal Code 213.1, only this type of person can be guilty of rape.
Who is a male, not married to the victim?
This Rule of Civil Procedure details the rules for Third party complaints
What is rule 14?
This requires a plaintiff to not only prove that a contact occurred, but also that the contact was meant to be offensive or harmful.
What is dual intent?
Lesser Evils, Public Duty, Self-Defense, Defense of Others, Defense of Property, Law Enforcement, Special Responsibility
What are Justification Defenses
This Constitutional Amendment confers the right to demand a jury trial.
What is the 7th Amendment?
This is the maximum number of claims a party can file against an opponent under rule 18.
What is infinity!
In this theory of plaintiff negligence, the plaintiff can recover if the plaintiff is less at fault than the defendant
What is modified comparative negligence?
Andrew throws a baseball towards Barry, with whom he is playing pitch and catch. Andrews aim is bad and the ball hits Cassandra, who is walking nearby. What Tort has been committed?
What is Battery Andrew has committed battery against Cassandra because he intended to throw the ball, which hit her