Lab Equipment
Lab Safety Rules (T/F)
Hazard Signs
Science Riddles

They are used to grasp and lift hot vessels and harmful substances during any kind of reaction taking place in the lab.

What are tongs?


Open toed shoes are allowed in the lab as long as you have flared pants that cover your toes.


Do NOT wear clothing that is loose enough to catch on anything and avoid sandals or open-toed shoes.


What is the grading scale?

A= 100-90; B=89-80; C=79-70; D=69-60; F=59-0


What is the pictograph symbol for Hazardous to the Ozone Layer/Health Hazard chemicals?

Symbol: Exclamation Mark.


Though I may be small, I make up everything you see; I'm ancient as stars, yet part of you and me. What am I?

What is an ATOM?


With the flat bottom and straight sides, they are very stable on most surfaces and best for boiling stuff safely; and with the large opening, you can pour things in or out of it, or stir the contents. However, that large opening also makes it unsuitable for storage purposes.

What is a beaker?


Wear safety goggles or glasses when working in the lab.


Always wear safety goggles (not glasses) when working with hazardous chemicals.


When you cheat on a test what happens?

Parents Notified, '0' on assignment, and 'Zero Form' needs to be signed.
Symbol: Exploding Bomb



I'm a molecule, simple and clear, crucial for life, I'm best when I'm near. What am I?

What is H2O (water).


This apparatus produces a single open flame and it is used for heating and sterilization purposes in the various experiments conducted in labs.

What is a Bunsen Burner?


Follow all the teachers instructions and school procedures in dealing with emergencies.

TRUE. Follow all the teachers instructions and school procedures in dealing with emergencies.


What are the rules and consequences about smartphones, tablets, and other personal devices?

Devices are to be turned off at the beginning of class, unless noted on the board that the device will be needed that day. 

Devices seen or heard during class at not permitted times will be confiscated until the end of class. If the problem continues, the device will be held until the end of the school day.


What is the pictograph symbol for Acute Toxicity?

Skulls & Crossbones.

Invisible, but hold you I can, from sky to ground, part of nature's plan. What am I?

What is Gravity?


The objective stays very close to the sample to be seen and makes a virtual large image of it.

What is a Microscope?

Make sure the person is okay and then immediately tell the teacher of any mishaps.

Immediately inform the teacher of any mishap- fire injury, glassware breakage, chemical spills, and so forth.


How are the class times broken up and explain what are you to do during that time.

The first 5 minutes are for the smart start. Students are to turn in homework and smart start. 

The next 35-40 minutes are for lecturing/instruction time. Students are encouraged to take notes and participate in the activities.

The last 5-10 minutes are for future productivity. Students are to prepare for the future (do homework, prepare for the next class, collaborate w/ peers, etc.). During this time the classroom should stay at a low volume.


Symbol: Flame over Circle. 



In history, I'm set in stone, a tale of ancient earth I own. What am I?

What are Fossils.


Made up of porcelain and are used to store and heat substances when required to be heated at high temperatures since glassware are not always suitable for such high heat involving experiments.

What is a Crucible?


Tell me 5 LAB rules in 90 seconds.



Fill in the Consequence chart on the board. You have 2 minutes.



Which piece of lab equipment is pictured on the Pictograph for Corrosive?

(2) Test Tubes.


Though I'm not a jewel, I have a band, and with a prism, you'll understand. What am I?

What is Spectrum?