You says this after someone says southend
What is punch yo’ mouth in?
She said you moved to Oakland
Who is Tsige?
Adene called this woman a cancer in what room?
What is Manahlosh in the Kristina room?
This church famously gives people stomach aches
What is North Mariam?
Menelik did what during this meeting?
What is cried?
Buy anything from tires to t-shirts
What is Columbia plaza?
I went from Baltimore to Maryland
Who is Wubrist?
Tadesse famously grabbed this during a fight with Kifle
What is his collar?
Baked fish and crockpot tibs
What is Martha’s house?
Snufalufagus goes by another name as well
Who is Nahusenay?
This hall is gone but never forgotten
What is Jumbo?
She claims her daughter is sober
Who is Adise?
This man called the priests what during Mahlet on Gena
What is leba?
This wedding sent people to the bathroom quickly!
What is Eyob’s wedding?
This woman was told to sit down at the Medhanialem x Gebriel forgiveness meeting
Who is Marey?
This man famously sold this on MLK and Rainier
What is incense?
She said the wrong answer to a question during bible study
Who is Askal?
This event was called what when Alem cried at the Amhara protest?
What is lekso program?
The blazing volcano of wot is made by which Sudanese refugee?
Who is Weret?
One must have this is in Abune Yohannes’ Wednesday bible study?
What is faith?
This mural is on the wall of what factory?
What is Darigold?
Confused this sector of people in the bible with a sector of organs?
Who is Segenet?
You may not know him, but he knows you
Who is Yimer?
Yodet says she loves everyone’s food except this persons
Who is Libse?
The chairman
Who is Alem?