You genuflect to this person before you enter the pew.
Who is Jesus in the Tabernacle?
The priest or Eucharistic minister says this before you receive the Eucharist.
What is "the Body of Christ"?
The table where the priest celebrates mass.
What is the Altar?
Sacrament where Jesus forgives sins through the priest.
What is Reconciliation?
The Feast day that Lent leads up to.
What is Easter?
The amount of time a healthy person is supposed to fast (not eat food) before receiving communion.
What is 1 hour
We can receive the Eucharist these two ways.
What is on the hand, or on the tongue?
This is what Baptism does.
What is takes away Original Sin?
Recite the Our Father.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by the name, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil.
The name of the event when Jesus first gave his Apostle's the Eucharist.
What is the Last Supper
The commandment that has to do with going to mass.
What is, You shall keep the Sabbath (or Lord's Day) holy?
The two Sacraments that have to do with vocations.
What are Marriage and Holy Orders?
The name for the part of the mass where we read the first and second readings, sing or say the responsorial psalm, read the gospel and listen to the priest's homily beginning with L_____ of the W_____.
What is the Liturgy of the Word?
Jesus died on the cross to do this
What is forgive sins?
The box where the Eucharist is kept.
The two sacraments we ought to receive regularly.
What are Reconciliation and the Eucharist?
The name for part of the mass where the gifts are brought up to the altar, the priest says the Eucharistic prayer and consecrates the bread and wine. The L_____ of the E_______.
What is the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
The name for the part of the Mass when the priest holds up the Eucharist and it becomes Jesus's body and blood. C_______.
What is Consecration?
The name of the priest's talk during mass.
What is the homily?
Sacraments = Sign instituted by Jesus to give gr____.
What is grace?