Biological Organization
Energy Transfer
Scientific Method

A geographical area characterized by cool summers and cold winters.

What is the Taiga


This level is characterized by containing 1 group of the same species in one area.

What is a population?


Certain bacteria live within the digestive system of humans and feed on various things within the human. This is not detrimental to the human.

What is commensalism?


A connection of food chains with many food energy paths in a ecosystem.

What is a Food Web?


The factors that are kept the same in an experiment.

What is the Constant?


Birds migrating south for the winter

What is a behavioral adaptation?


This level includes both abiotic and biotic factors.

What is an ecosystem?


Ostriches and gazelles feed next to each other. They both watch for predators and alert each other to danger. Because the visual abilities of the two species are different, they each can identify threats that the other animal would not see as readily.

What is mutualism?


The amount of energy that Secondary Consumers receive from Primary Consumers.

What is 1%?


Something that is used for comparison during the experiment. It does not get tested with the variable.

What is the Control Group?


A geographical area characterized by little vegetation, either cold or hot temperatures and receives ten inches or less of precipitation each year, long periods without rain.

What is the Desert?


The living or once living aspects in an ecosystem.

What are biotic factors?


Bed bugs will bite and feed off a human up to 500 times in one night. This causes small red bumps and itchinesss to the human.

What is parasitism?

Energy cannot be created no destroyed. Every organism consumes and recycles the energy from the other.

What is the 1st law of thermodynamics?


The variable to the experiment that responds to the change.

What is the Dependent Variable?


Wet weather systems prevail on one side of a mountain, and it enjoys much rainfall and even snow, but the other side gets little or no precipitation 

What is the rain shadow effect?


This level includes multiple species interacting with one another.

What is a community?


The cattle egret follows cattle or horses and preys on the insects the animals stir up as they graze.

What is commensalism?

10% of energy is passed on to every trophic level while 90% is lost to cellular respiration, metabolism, heat, etc.

What is the 90/10 rule?


Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Collection, Conclusion, and Retest (if needed)

What is the Scientific Method?


The specific pattern on a butterfly is copied by other non-threatening butterflies.

What is a structural adaptation?


Non-living things in an ecosystem including temperature, water, sunlight, wind, rocks and soil

What are abiotic factors?


Otters float and sleep on forests fo kelp in the water. The kelp provides them a place to anchor in the moving water. The otters eat sea urchins, which normally feed on the kelp

What is mutualism?


The trophic level that consists of omnivores and carnivores.

What are Secondary Consumers?


The variable that the experimenter decides to change to see if there is or is not an effect.

What is the independent variable?