Stop, Grammar Time.
POV & Foreshadowing
Blues Clues
Plot & Conflict

Combine these sentences correctly. 

We ate pizza for lunch. We also ate salad for lunch. 

We ate pizza and salad for lunch. 

What is first-person point of view?

The story is told by one character using "I, ME, or WE". 


What is the theme of a story?

The message or lesson the author wants the reader to learn


What does it mean to "make an inference"?

Draw conclusions based on evidence from the text. 


Which type of conflict is a struggle between a character and a external force, such as a natural disaster. 

Man vs. Nature


Correct the sentence.

i am reading a new story called the west wood journal. 

I am reading a new story called The West Wood Journal. 


What is third-person limited point of view?

Narrator or reader knows the thoughts of one character.

How is the main idea different from the theme?

The Main idea is what the story is mostly about, the theme is the deeper meaning. 


When making an inference, it is important to use...

Clues from the text and your own knowledge.

What would be an example of an internal Man vs. Self conflict? 

A character feels guilty about something they did. 


What needs to be added to this sentence?

As I opened the door I noticed the bear. 

As I opened the door, I noticed the bear. 


Which point of view is when the narrator is not part of the story but knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters. 

Third-person omniscient. 


What is one way to identify the theme of the story? 

Look at how characters change in the story.


Make an inference from this text. 

She walked out without saying a word and slammed the door shut.

She was angry or upset. 


What is the climax of a story? 

The turning point of the story. 

What change needs to be made to this sentence.

Mrs. Martin is giving her Class a test this week. 

change Class to class

What is foreshadowing?

A hint or clue about what will happen later in a story. 


identify the theme of this text. 

There was once a shepherd boy who liked to play tricks. One day, while he was watching over the herd, the boy decided to play a trick and cried, “wolf! wolf!”. The people who heard rushed over to help him. But they were disappointed when they saw no wolf, and the boy laughed at them. The next day, he did it again, and people rushed to his aid, only to be disappointed again. 

On the third day, the boy saw a wolf devouring one of his sheep and cried for help. But the people who heard him thought this was just another of the boy’s pranks, so no one came to help him. That day, the boy lost some of his sheep to the wolf.


What can you infer from this text? 

I entered the dark house, then run out as fast as I could.

There was something scary in the house. 


What is the exposition in a story?

The introduction of characters, setting, and background information. 

What is the best transition word to add to the beginning of this sentence. 

__________, I have my family there to support me. Not everyone has a support system. 

Certainly, For example, Additionally, Luckily 



Give an example of foreshadowing The Incredibles. 

Mr. Incredible wanted a new costume design that included a cape from designer Edna Mode.

Edna opposed and cited many historical misfortunes of cape-wearing superheroes. 

What does this foreshadow?

Edna’s strong opposition foreshadows supervillain Syndrome’s gruesome death, caused by his cape becoming entangled in a jet turbine. 


Identify the theme of this short text. 

There was once a hare who was friends with a tortoise. One day, he challenged the tortoise to a race. Seeing how slow the tortoise was going, the hare thought he’d win this easily. So, he took a nap while the tortoise kept on going. When the hare woke, he saw that the tortoise was already at the finish line. Much to his surprise, the tortoise won the race while he was busy sleeping.


If a character is described as frowning, with slumped shoulders, what can you infer about their emotions?

The character is sad or upset about an event or situation. 


What is the resolution of the story?

When the conflict is resolved.