Article Questions
Poem Questions
Academic Vocab
Context Clues
Cold Read Questions

Which of the following best describes the central idea of the text? 

A. Societies can maintain order without any forms of conformity. 

B. People who conform lack individual independence. 

C. People conform in order to fit in based on societal pressure.

D. Conforming is a conscious decision people make.

C. People conform in order to fit in based on societal pressure.


Which statement best describes how the speaker’s thoughts in lines 9-12 affect the meaning of the poem? 

A. The speaker admits the roads are really the same, meaning he does not take the road less traveled but wants his choice to seem like it matters.

B. The speaker admits the two roads are really the same, indicating that he will grow confused with age and forget his past choices. 

C. The speaker thinks both roads are actually heavily traveled, meaning that in the end both choices would have led to full lives. 

D. The speaker thinks he took the road less traveled, but is not sure if it has made any difference in his life.

A. The speaker admits the roads are really the same, meaning he does not take the road less traveled but wants his choice to seem like it matters.


What is theme?

The message or lesson you are meant to learn from a text


Based on its use in the sentence below, what does emaciation mean?

His emaciation, that is, his skeleton-like appearance, was frightening to see.

Skeleton-like or skinny


Which sentence from the passage below shows the theme?

1) One summer day, Grasshopper was having fun and singing. (2) Ant passed by, carrying food to her nest. (3) "Why don't you sing with me?" asked Grasshopper. (4) "Why work on a lovely day?" (5) "I'm gathering food for winter," said Ant. (6) "Why worry about winter, especially since we have food now?" asked Grasshopper. (7) Ant kept working, and Grasshopper kept playing. (8) Winter came, and Ant had plenty of corn and grain, but Grasshopper was starving. (9) Grasshopper realized then that it is best to prepare for hard times ahead.

Sentence 9


What does the phrase “spiral of silence” mean as it is used in paragraph 5? 

A. a result of conformity in which no one speaks because the group norm is to avoid confrontation 

B. a result of internalization in which people believe that they agree with the dominant opinion 

C. a result of conformity in which the group agrees with one individual because no one wants to speak out

D. a result of having so many opinions available in a situation that society loses the value of silent listening

C. a result of conformity in which the group agrees with one individual because no one wants to speak out


Re-read the following lines: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.

What can we infer "the difference" was?

 A. A difference in his health

B. A difference in his marriage

C. A difference in his life

D. A difference in his hike

C. A difference in his life


What is central idea?

The main idea of a text


Based on its use in the sentence below, what does celestial bodies mean?

Celestial bodies, including the sun, moon, and stars, have fascinated man through the centuries.

Sun, moon, stars, and other objects in space


What is an objective summary of this text?

1) One summer day, Grasshopper was having fun and singing. (2) Ant passed by, carrying food to her nest. (3) "Why don't you sing with me?" asked Grasshopper. (4) "Why work on a lovely day?" (5) "I'm gathering food for winter," said Ant. (6) "Why worry about winter, especially since we have food now?" asked Grasshopper. (7) Ant kept working, and Grasshopper kept playing. (8) Winter came, and Ant had plenty of corn and grain, but Grasshopper was starving. (9) Grasshopper realized then that it is best to prepare for hard times ahead.

Grasshopper was singing and having fun when Ant passed by carrying food. Ant said she could not stop to have fun because she was preparing for winter. When winter came, Grasshopper was not prepared.


What is one reason the author gives that people conform?

A. Acting out can cause social rejection

B. Conformity is more enjoyable than uniqueness

C. Conformity is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain

A. Acting out can cause social rejection


4.  The poem depicts

a. conflicts with others

b. problems we face in life

c. hiking

d. choices we make in life

D.choices we make in life


What is evidence?

A quote used to support an author's claim


Based on its use in the sentence below, what does dilate mean?

When the light brightens, the pupils of the eyes get smaller; however, when it grows darker, they dilate.

Get bigger


What type of figurative language is in line 6? What does it mean?

The petals drop one by one—
from the fragile daisy.
The shriveled, yellowing pieces of flower
blow away, leaving behind a bare stem.
I have to remember to live,
to enjoy each petal of my life,
to share and grow and bask
in the sun's sweet light.

Metaphor - the speaker is comparing petals of a flower to moments in life


Why did the author include the findings from Herbert Kelman's study? 

A. The study proved that conformity is a false idea

B. The study provided evidence that people resist conformity at all costs

C. The study provided an example of conformity

C. The study provided an example of conformity


5.  The entire poem is

A. a simile

B. metaphor

C. personification

D. hyperbole

B. a metaphor


What is a claim?

The author's belief about a topic


Based on its use in the sentence below, what does vapid mean?

She told her friend, “I’m through with blind dates forever. What a dull evening! I was bored every minute. The conversation was absolutely vapid.”

Dull or boring


What shows that the fox is sneaky and sly?

A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. "I want that cheese," thought Fox. He walked up to the foot of the tree. "Good-day, Miss Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eyes. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds. Please sing one song so that I may enjoy your lovely voice." The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Fox.

The fox tricks the crow into dropping the cheese


Which of the following best explains the relationship between compliance, identification, and internalization? 

A. Compliance occurs when people pretend to change their personal beliefs, while identification and internalization occur when people begin to believe other’s ideas.

B. Compliance, identification, and internalization are three types of conformity that range from high to low impact, respectively. 

C. Compliance, identification, and internalization are three types of conformity that range from long to short-lasting, respectively. 

D. Compliance and identification occur when people begin to believe other’s ideas, while internalization occurs when people pretend to change their personal beliefs.

A. Compliance occurs when people pretend to change their personal beliefs, while identification and internalization occur when people begin to believe other’s ideas.


2. In the first stanza, the poet felt sorry because

a. he could not see the roads well

b. he did not know the direction

c. he could not travel on both roads

d. the roads were bumpy

C. he could not travel on both the roads


What is text structure?

The way a text is set up


Based on its use in the sentence below, what does culinary mean?

She wanted to impress all her dinner guests with the food she served, so she carefully studied the necessary culinary arts.

Cooking or food preparation


What is the central idea of this text?

A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. "I want that cheese," thought Fox. He walked up to the foot of the tree. "Good-day, Miss Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eyes. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds. Please sing one song so that I may enjoy your lovely voice." The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Fox.

The fox tricked the crow