Parts of the Amendment
Freedom of Speech/ Press
Freedom of Assembly
Freedom of Religion
Right to Petition/protest

Which part of the first amendment protects your right to speak against the government?

Freedom of Speech.


Morse v. Frederick 

Dose the first amendment allow public schools to prohibit students from displaying messages promoting the use of illegal drugs at school?


Its not a violation, because Schools can get involved when speech creates a disturbance


What does the Freedom of Assembly protect?

Protects the right to come together and express or promote some common interest.


What does the Freedom of Religion allow?

It allows you to practice any faith you want. 


Why do you think that the government is paying less and less attention to the petitions?

Because many of them are (pardon my language) dumb. For example, there was a petition to deport Justin Bieber.


Which freedom was motivated by the history of the Church of England?

Freedom of Religion. 

The Church of England was the only religion allowed during that time and when the Constitution was being written, they automatically wrote this right.


Tinker  v. Des Moines

School created a policy that stated any student wearing an arm band would have to remove it or be suspended

Does a prohibition against the wearing of armbands in public school as a form of symbolic protest, violate the students freedom of speech?


The students wearing black armbands to protest the Vietnam war was "pure speech" protected by the first amendment


If you get caught organizing an assembly, should you be arrested?

No, the Freedom of Assembly includes any preparatory actions. 


What is the name of this clause preventing the US from Imposing a State-wide religion?

The establishment clause.


Is the Right to Petition as relevant today as it was when the constitution was written?

No, not really. 

Since there are so many random petitions the government isn't paying much attention to them anymore. 


This is the only part of the first amendment that you need a group to complete.

Freedom of Assembly.

You can't assemble with yourself.


If the individual/ employer is promoting something illegal does the freedom of speech still protect him/her?

No, it doesn't. 

For example, if a teacher is promoting drugs, the freedom of speech does not apply to the teacher and the government can arrest that person.


True or False: You may need a permit from the government in order to host a large assembly or protest.


They can control the time and place in order to make sure adequate safety measures take place.


Can the government give benefits or in any way interfere with a religious group?



Can a strike be a form of petitioning?


For example, if you didn't like that deer are being hunted, then you could begin a hunger strike. If many people start the hunger strike with you, then you are also using the freedom of assembly.


Which right is supposed to guarantee that government officials acknowledge the problem you are bringing up or what you are asking for? 

Right to Petition.


Name an event in history when the Freedom of Speech or Press was questioned. 

(Answer may vary). 

Example- during the Vietnam war when confidential documents were distributed across newspaper companies and made public. 


Joe is petitioning to get corn dogs as a national food. When told by a government official that he is not allowed to do the following, he says that he is protected by the Freedom of Assembly. Is this true?


If you're petitioning, you might be doing it alone (Joe was on his own), while assembling requires a group of people. He was protected by the Right to Petition.


What is another name for the Freedom of Religion?

Establishment Clause. 


Which year was the first amendment proposed?


James Madison was the main author of this amendment.


What content in speech is not protected by the First Amendment.

Fighting Words: Words that will likely lead to intentional violence.

True Threats: Threats to commit a crime

False advertising: Misleading advertisements aimed to trick viewers/consumers.


Can you think of a form of assembling?

(Answer may vary). 

Strike, boycott, parade conveys.


What was the religion the Church of England was based on?


It later became Anglican.


What was one form of protest used during the Civil Rights movement?

(Answers can vary)

Public Protest

Civil Disobedience
