
While I was brushing my teeth, I noticed that my back molar was loose. Since I hadn’t lost a molar yet, I made sure to tell my mom right away. When it fell out a few days later, I was shocked at how much larger it was than my other teeth! What is the narrator's point of view?

Answer First Person

Explanation: Told by a character in the story through their eyes. Uses pronouns like, "I," and "my." 


"Wow, look at his costume," said Annie. "He's dressed up like an electric jellyfish." She observed the flashing lights with genuine admiration. Adrianna looked at the costume and scoffed. Secretly, she envied the detail and craftsmanship that went into the jellyfish costume, but she would never let on to Annie. "What kind of loser goes walking around like a Christmas tree?" Adrianna said. Annie did not agree, but did not want to be disagreeable. "Yeah... what kind?" The ladies walked by another house. Annie did not like this. It seemed like Adrianna more interested in criticizing others than in trick-or-treating. Annie adjusted the headband to her costume. Adrianna was not wearing a costume. What is the narrator's point of view?

Answer Third-person 

Explanation: I know this passage is narrated from third-person perspective because the narrator tells the story of Annie and Adrianna and the narrator is neither Annie nor Adrianna. 

Extra Explanation-This narrator is omniscient because he or she tells readers the internal thoughts of BOTH Annie and Adrianna. We know when a story is 3rd person, we may or may not know the characters' thoughts. We also know they can sometimes tell us only one character's thoughts and other times they can tell us all the characters' thoughts.


Vivian brushed her hair and looked into the mirror. She thought her nose was too big and her face was too round. She sighed. Then she heard her mother call up the stairs, "Vivian, it's time for school!" Vivian replied, "Ok, Mom, I'll be right down!" She put down the brush, grabbed her backpack, and trotted down the stairs. She did not want to go to school, but she knew better than to play around on her mama's time. Her mother met her in the vestibule. She ran her fingers through Vivian's hair and said, "You look beautiful, Viv." Vivian put her head down. She did not believe her mother. What is the narrator's point of view?

Answer: Third-person 

Explanation: I know this passage is narrated from third-person perspective because the narrator is telling Vivian's story and the narrator is not Vivian. I know that the mode of narration is limited because the narrator reveals Vivian's thoughts and feelings but neither Mom's nor any other characters'.


George loved walking to school with his best friend, Matt. They would laugh at their sisters and make jokes about everything. Today, George had to walk to school alone, because Matt and his family had moved to a different state. George looked sad as he quietly walked to school alone. What is the narrator's point of view?

Answer: Third Person

Explanation: I know this passage is narrated from third-person perspective because the narrator is telling George's story and the narrator is not George. I know that the mode of narration is limited because the narrator tells what is happening, but does not know what George is thinking or feeling. 


During my math test, I noticed that my fancy mechanical pencil was out of lead. As I searched my desk for a new pencil, my teacher asked me what I was doing. My cheeks burned as I sheepishly asked her for a new pencil. After all, she had always told me that mechanical pencils were not a good choice! What is the narrator's point of view?

Answer: First Person