Notable Puerto Ricans
En Español

This is the capital city of Puerto Rico.

What is San Juan?


Puerto Rico was a colony of this country before it fell under US control.

What is Spain?


The mixture of these three ethnicities make up the heritage of Puerto Rican people. 

What is Taino, African, and European (Spanish)?


While this "Jenny from the Block" singer is from New York, both of her parents are native Puerto Ricans. 

Who is Jennifer Lopez?


Estos son los colores de la bandera puertorriqueña.

¿Qué es el rojo, el blanco y el azul?


This is the sea in which Puerto Rico sits.

What is the Caribbean Sea?


 The US acquired Puerto Rico as a colony after this war in 1898. 

What is the Spanish-American War?


This banana like plant was brought to Puerto Rico from Africa, and is used widely through Puerto Rican cuisine in dishes like mofongo.

What are plantains? 


Professional baseball player and humanitarian, he was the first Latin American and Caribbean player to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame.

Who is Roberto Clemente?

Puerto Rico es famoso por esta bebida mezclada.

¿Qué es una piña colada?


Puerto Rico contains this type of United States' only tropical landform.

What is a rainforest? 

The island became a U.S. territory and Puerto Ricans were given U.S. citizenship when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Jones-Shafroth Act in this year.

What is 1917?


With 85% of the population practicing this religion, one can clearly see the influences in Puerto Rican art like La Natividad by José Campeche y Jordán.

What is Catholicism? 


Don't throw away your shot! While not an immigrant himself, he still got the job done writing a wildly popular musical.

Who is Lin-Manuel Miranda?


Esta es la traducción al inglés de Puerto Rico.

¿Qué es rich port? 


Puerto Rico falls under this geographical term, meaning a group of small islands.

What is an archipelago? 


This is the name of the indigenous people who lived on the island before the arrival of Christopher Colombus in  1493.

What are the Taino?


This is the most popular sport in Puerto Rico. So popular in fact that one of their players has a Pittsburgh bridge named after him!

What is baseball?


This is the governor of Puerto Rico, a member of the New Progressive Party, which advocates for statehood.

Who is Pedro Pierluisi?


Este es el plato nacional de Puerto Rico.

¿Qué es el arroz con gandules?


There are nearly 300 plant and animal species endemic to this U.S. territory, including this endangered and iconic Puerto Rican bird, one of the rarest birds in the world.

What is the Puerto Rican Parrot?


The ironically named Operation Bootstrap attracted an influx of big American companies, and Puerto Rican became a center for tourism and this industry.

The decline of its agricultural industries led many islanders to seek employment opportunities in the United States

What is manufacturing?


This is a traditional Puerto Rican dance and style of music with African roots.

What is the Bomba?


Founded in 1922, the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party worked for independence. Branching off from them in 1946, Gilberto Concepción de Gracia founded this political party (PIP). It continues to participate in the island's electoral process.

What is the Puerto Rican Independence Party?


Así se llaman los puertorriqueños.

¿Qué es boricua?