Sentence Completion
Sentence Scramble
Gap Fill

We'll call you as...

1.  when he gets in.

2.  the train's delayed.

3.  soon as we get to the hotel.

We'll call you as soon as we get to the hotel.


I / start / my homework / as soon as / I / get up

I will start my homework as soon as I get up.


You -----(not be able) to come unless you -----(buy) a ticket.

You won't be able to come unless you buy a ticket.


You won't lose any weight...

1.  as soon as the exams finish.

2.  unless you do some exercise.

3.  if we have to cancel the party.

You won't lose any weight unless you do some exercise.


you / help / unless / I / not do / the housework

I will not do the housework unless you help.


We -----(order) a pizza as soon as Louis -----(arrive).

We will order a pizza as soon as Louis arrives.


I'll go to bed...

1.  when he gets in.

2.  when this film finishes.

3.  when I've got enough money.

I'll go to bed when this film finishes.


Dung / Pierre / visit / Paris / he / in / be / when

Dung will visit Pierre when he is in Paris.


Argentina ----- unless Messi ----- this penalty.

score / lose

Argentina will lose unless Messi scores this penalty.


As soon as I hear...

1.  the news, I'll tell you.

2.  the train's delayed.

3.  I've got enough money.

As soon as I hear the news, I'll tell you.


We / camping / better / unless / not go / the weather / get.

We won't go camping unless the weather gets better.


What you ----- when you ----- this school?

do / leave

What will you do when you leave this school?


I'll be to class on time unless...

(your answer)


the concert / they / rain / if / tomorrow / cancel / it

If it rains tomorrow they'll cancel the concert.


You ----- better when you ----- this medicine.

You will feel better when you take this medicine.