About Ms. Sexton
Intro to Psychology
True or False
Pop Culture
Ms. Sexton's Favorites

This will be my _____ year of teaching. 

This will be my 2nd (!) year teaching... EVER! 


Psychology is the study of what?

A. The mind and behavior

B. Mental disorders

C. The brain and nervous system

D. Philosophy

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior, and how the mind influences behavior. It's a multidisciplinary field that explores how people learn, think, feel, and behave, and how these factors characterize individuals and groups.


True or False? Humans are either left-brained or right-brained.

There is no evidence that people are left-brained or right-brained. While it's true that certain mental processes tend to occur in either the right or left hemisphere of the brain, both sides of the brain actively participate and provide input in most tasks.


What is the highest grossing film of all time?

The highest-grossing film of all time is "Avatar" (2009), directed by James Cameron. It has earned over $2.9 billion worldwide


What is my favorite food?

A. Mac and Cheese

B. Chicken Wings

C. Pizza

D. Meatloaf

Chicken wings!


What was my first job?

A. Summer Camp Counselor

B. Dairy Queen

C. Old Navy

D. Lifeguard 

Summer Camp Counselor


What mental disorder causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs and lows?

A. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

B. Bipolar Disorder

C. Antisocial Disorder

D. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings. These include emotional highs, also known as mania or hypomania, and lows, also known as depression.


True or False? Opposites attract.

The idea that opposites attract is a myth. In fact, research suggests that subconsciously, people are more likely to be attracted to people who are similar to them. 


Who is the best selling musical artist / group of all time?

The best-selling musical artist of all time is The Beatles. They have sold over 600 million albums worldwide, making them the top-selling music act in history.


What was my favorite subject in high school?

A. Math

B. Social Studies

C. Science

D. Music

Science / Music


How many siblings do I have? 

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4



What hormone does browsing through social media trigger?

A. Estrogen

B. Serotonin

C. Dopamine

D. Oxytocin

Cortisol and Dopamine. Scrolling social media and websites activates the brain's reward centre by releasing dopamine, a “feel-good chemical” associated to pleasure and reward. 


True or False? Almost all of U.S. astronauts have been first born children.

True! 21 of the first 23 astronauts were first born children. Studies found measurable effects to support that our position in the family does indeed affect both our IQ and our personality.


What celebrity has the most followers on Instagram?

As of August 13, 2024, Cristiano Ronaldo is the most followed individual on Instagram with over 635 million followers.


What is my favorite season?

A. Spring

B. Summer

C. Fall

D. Winter



What sport did I play in high school?



Cynophobia is the phobia of what?

A. Being alone

B. Ghosts

C. Hospitals

D. Dogs

Cynophobia is the fear of dogs and canines in general. People with this anxiety disorder feel intense fear and anxiety when they think about, see or encounter a dog.


True or False? When you are ignored by someone you strongly care about, the reaction in your brain is similar to physical pain.

According to research, feeling ignored and excluded can cause real changes in your brain, particularly in the zone in the brain responsible for detecting pain. This area of the brain also does not distinguish between physical pain and emotional distress.


Who holds the record for the most Olympic gold medals?

American swimmer Michael Phelps is the most-decorated Olympian of all time, with 28 medals, 23 of which are gold.


What is my favorite thing to spend money on?

A. Concerts

B. Coffee

C. Shoes

D. Saving $$$



Who is my celebrity crush?

A. Glen Powell

B. Travis Kelce

C. Dylan O'Brien

D. Chadwick Boseman

Dylan O'Brien <3


What theory describes how behavior is shaped by its consequences?

A. Operant Conditioning

B. Classical Conditioning

C. Learning

D. Memory

Operant conditioning is a learning process that uses rewards and punishments to modify voluntary behaviors. In operant conditioning, behaviors that are rewarded are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors that are punished are less likely to happen. 


True or False? You muscle are paralyzed while you sleep.

Most of your muscles become paralyzed during REM sleep to prevent you from acting out your dreams. Sleep paralysis occurs when someone wakes up during REM sleep while their body is still paralyzed. 


Who currently holds the record for the most Grammy awards ever?

As of July 31, 2024, Beyoncé holds the record for the most Grammy Awards with 32 wins.


Where is my favorite place to vacation?

A. Boston, MA 

B. Yellowstone National Park 

C. Ocean City, MD 

D. Upper Peninsula, MI

Upper Peninsula of Michigan