What does ASC Stand for?
What is the Academic Support Center?
Fill in the blank.
The gym in the Hicks center is called _____ Court.
(If no one knows they can look)
What are the names of each dorm building?
Who is the founder of foursquare? (You have to sing her name)
At the gazebo, we hid a star underneath one of the benches. Please find it and bring it back.
First group.
Draw one of the library staff and their role. First group gets the points.
(First group).
In the loop, there is a latte inspired by a famous graham cracker treat. What is it called?
What is the Teddy Grahm Latte?
True or False:
Living in the Dorms, you have to pay for laundry with a card.
What is true
What denomination is our school?
What is Foursquare?
Write down everyone's name in the group in alphabetical order.
A list first with your first name, then another with last names.
First person to give it to me.
What time does the Library open and close?
Monday through Thursday 8 am-9 pm
Fridays 8 am-5 pm
Where is the lost and found located?
What is the post
Create a video of you dancing in front of each dorm building.
First person
What year was LPU founded? Rap the answer.
A.) 2020
B.) 1967
Could you take a photo of Abbi/Kanye's favorite place on Campus? (A place outside where you can charge your computers).
What is the Gazebo?
We have a list of some books; work with your group to find them.
Kanye and Abbi
True or false,
The Hicks not only holds athletics but also holds a lot of the WAM practice rooms and has classes upstairs for Media and Communications?
There are many rocks in front of the G building. One of the rocks has the verse of the year. Find it
There is a gate at the front of the school. It is cool and was the gate at the original LPU campus at Angelus Temple. Please take a picture in front of it with your group. The first group back wins.
Near the Hicks
Find a creative way, with your group, to spell LPU and take a picture.
The second group back gets the points.