What is the 0 step
Who has been in the program the longest?
Who are the staff in Boulder
James and Jack
What is the state capital
What is a baby cow called
How many steps are there
Who is the youngest in the program?
What is our second step
We found it necessary to stick with winners in order to grow
What is the longest continuous road in Colorado?
How many legs do insects have?
What is the Blue book called
The big book of Alcoholics Anonymous
What does Caden do for work?
Works on cars (oil changes)
What did fullcircle boulders shop open
October of 2023
What is the name of the Colorado NBA team?
Denver Nuggets
What is the national bird of the USA
Bald eagle
What step is associated with making amends
Step 9
Riley, Elijah, Adahlya
What is the prayer at the end of circle up called?
serenity prayer
What animated tv show takes place in Colorado
South Park
What is the name of the galaxy to which our solar system belongs
The Milky Way
What page does how it works start on?
Who’s on steering committee
Kendall, peter, max, Kaya, Irelyn, Nathaniel?
What is the primary requirement for membership?
The desire to live a chemical free life
Why is there no highway mile marker “420” in the state of Colorado?
It kept getting stolen. Like a ridiculous amount of times.
What is the fastest land animal?