When we are in the hallways, our feet are always _______.
When our teacher is talking, we should be at a voice level.
I will always ______ my place in line and be responsible for that place.
Molly always raises her hand to speak. Who is she being kind to?
True or False:
Telling someone "I don't want to be your friend anymore." is a good way to be a friend.
False- that is not a kind thing to say to our friends.
True or False:
We should stand up on our chairs in the classroom.
False- that is not safe!
At the assembly, Molly & Sam start clapping and talking during the performance, while the kids are still singing. Are they being respectful?
No- they need to be quiet and keep their hands quiet during the performance.
Julia was throwing toilet paper on the ground, running the water too long, and messing with the paper towels. What is Julia's responsibility in the bathroom?
Julia needs to leave the toilet paper alone, or keep it in the toilet, only use the water for washing our hands and use 1-2 pieces of paper that go directly in the garbage.
Mrs. Matusin gives you an Expo marker to use on your whiteboard. You use it to draw on the carpet and smash the tip on the board. Is this being kind?
No- that is something that Mrs. Matusin gave you to use. You should treat your things kindly as well- gently and appropriately.
You can give her a hug, listen to her or tell her that you are here for her!
1. Using playground equipment correctly.
2. Being safe with friends, using safe hands and feet
3. Stay on the playground area, where adults can see you.
True or False:
When you are working at your table spot, you will need be at a voice level.
0 or 1
What is one way to be responsible when you are in the lunchroom?
1. Accept my seat in the lunchroom.
2. Follow the line to get milk/hot lunch.
3. Walk in the lunchroom to my seat.
4. Eat only my food.
5. Throw away all of my food and keep my spot clean.
6. Wait to be dismissed by an adult.
7. Walk to the line to be dismissed.
At library, your teacher asks you to put the books away. Even though you are tired and want to line up, you do so anyway. You even pick up some other trash on the floor for her. Are you being kind?
Yes! Although sometimes it is hard, always listening and doing what adults ask you to do is being kind to them. Way to go the extra mile and help pick up trash!
You and your friend disagree about what to play at recess. You get mad at each other. What can you do to be good friends to each other?
2. Come up with a new game to play.
3. Decide to play with someone else today.
Tommy is moving seat to seat and running around the lunchroom with food in his mouth? Is Tommy being safe?
No- he needs to stay in his seat and walk in the lunchroom. He should not have food in his mouth when he is moving around.
When you finish your lunch and before recess, you will need to ________.
Wait for an adult to dismiss you to line up.
Bobby and Hannah always keep their desk clean, put away books nicely in the classroom, and have materials and their bodies ready when the teacher asks. Are they being responsible?
Yes! Way to go!
What are ways to be kind in the lunchroom and on the playground?
1. Helping someone open a part of their lunch.
2. Helping something clean a spill.
3. Having someone sit next to you that is alone.
4. Waiting nicely for a turn on the slide.
5. Helping someone who is hurt on the field.
6. Giving someone a turn who hasn't had one in a while.
7. Saying sorry!
Someone on the carpet is bothering you and talking a lot. You want them to stop and doing it nicely. How can you talk to your friend?
You can tell them to "please stop" or ignore them until they stop. You can also tell them that you can talk later, but after carpet time.
In the carpool line or on the bus, when should you get into your parent's car or on the bus?
When it is completely stopped.
Kind and respectful
In the carpool line, all of the first graders are running around to see their siblings and friends in other grades. Why are they NOT being responsible?
They need to stay in the first grade area to wait patiently for their parents.
Jamie and Nate are playing with unifix cubes during Workplaces. Both Jamie and Nate want to same cube. Jamie grabs it first and Nate snatches it out of his hand. Jamie yells in his face and hits him. Why are both of these boys not being kind?
True or False:
Our classroom and our first grade community is a family.