Jasmine’s locker number is 23.
Theo’s locker number is greater than Jasmine’s locker number.
Which is Theo’s locker number? How do you know?
24, because 24 > 23
Which number completes the part of the hundred chart? Explain how you know.
88, because it is between 87 and 89.
The number on Leah’s jersey is less than 60.
Which numbers could be on Leah’s jersey?
Choose two that apply.
58, 50
Compare the numbers 29 and 35.
Which sentence is true about the numbers?
29 is less than 35.
Part A
What number is 10 less than 65?
Enter your answer in the box.
Make sense of the problem to find the secret number from the list below.
Maya’s number is less than 70.
Maya’s number does NOT have a 3 in the ones place.
What is Maya’s number?
Find 10 less than 26 without having to count. Explain how you know.
16; 16 has one less ten than 26.
Part B
What number is 10 more than 65?
Enter your answer in the box.
Which number completes the section on the hundred chart?
Use the clues to find the secret numbers from the choices below.
Part A
I am greater than 75.
What number am I?
Compare the numbers 44 and 42.
Which sentence is true about the numbers?
44 is greater than 42.
Which symbol makes the statement true? 76 __ 56
Use the clues to find the secret numbers from the choices below.
I have a 6 in the ones place.
What number am I?
What symbol makes the statement true?
Which symbol makes the statement true?10 __ 10