One is steady and the other is how the words go
What are beat and rhythm?
The solfege syllable a skip lower than so
What is mi?
The number of lines on the staff
What is 5?
What is organ?
The 4 instrument families
What are strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion?
The word we say when a beat has 1 sound
What is ta?
The solfege syllable a step higher than so
What is la?
The number of spaces on the staff
What is 4?
Muzio Clementi was the father of this instrument
What is the piano-forte (what we know as the piano)?
Instruments in this family are played by bowing or plucking
What is string family?
The word we say when a beat has 2 sounds
What is tadi?
The distance between so and mi
What is a skip?
If so is in a line, then mi is in the ________ below.
What is line?
The music in this era expressed a lot of emotions, like love, anger, sadness, joy, etc., and it includes composers like Franz Schubert.
What is romantic?
Four instruments in the woodwind family
What are flute, piccolo, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone?
What we say when a beat has no sound
What is nothing?
The distance between so and la
What is a step?
If so is in a space, then mi is in the ________ below.
What is space?
This composer wrote 12 variations on Ah vous dirai je maman (what we know as Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)
Who is Mozart?
Two instruments in the brass family
What are trumpet, French horn, tuba, trombone
What we write when a beat has 1 sound
What is a quarter note?
If so is in a line, then la is in the ________ above
What is space?
This composer wrote over 600 lieder (German art songs for voice and piano).
Who is Franz Schubert?
The violin, viola, cello, and double bass are members of this family.
What is the string family?
What we write when a beat has 2 sounds
What are eighth notes?
If so is in a space, then la is in the _______ above.
What is line?
The name of the parties that Franz Schubert would have with his friends.
What is a Schubertiade?
The name of the ensemble that has all 4 instrument families
What is orchestra?
What we write when a beat has no sound
What is a quarter rest?
The 3 ways a percussion instrument may be played
What are shake, scrape, strike/hit?