Sweet or Sour Friend?
True or False

Conflict Resolution

Sarah calls Emily a mean name.

Sour Friend

__________ is when you treat others the way you want to be treated.

The golden rule


Words are powerful. Once you say something out loud you can't take it back.



What is an I-message?

An I-message is a way to express on someone's actions are making you feel without placing any blame.


Matteo keeps leaning back on the carpet and keeps bumping into Valentina. Valentina is starting to get annoyed. What I-message could Valentina give to Matteo.

I feel annoyed when you keep leaning back into me on the carpet. Please respect my personal space.


Tommy invites the new student to sit with him at lunch.

Sweet friend


______ is when you accept others despite your differences. 



If someone is mean to you it is okay to be mean to them back.

False, you do not have to get along with everyone, but you do need to show respect toward everyone.

What are the 3 parts of an I-Message?

I feel_____

When you____

Please don't/ stop_____


Jessica and Christina cannot decide what to play at recess. Name 3 ways they can compromise to find a solution.

1. Take turns playing each other's game

2. Play one person's game today and the other tomorrow

3. Pick a different game both of them like

Ms. Green said it is time to clean up indoor recess. Ariella looks over and sees that Nina made a huge mess with the blocks. Ariella joins in to help Nina clean up the blocks even though she wasn't playing with them.

Sweet friend


What is peer conflict?

a general disagreement between friends


It is okay for friends to get into arguments.

True, all friends disagree at times, it is normal for friends to have conflict, but is it how friends solve their problems that defines their friendship


What does conflict resolution mean? 

the way a problem is solved 


Jaden is having a difficult time solving a math word problem. He keeps growling under his breath and then he decides to crumple up the worksheet. How is Jaden feeling and what can he do to solve this problem?

frustrated, try to do a calming strategy, ask for help.


Destiny tells Alexa she doesn't want her to be friends with Gabby anymore.

Sour friend


What is compromise?

To compromise means both people work together to find a solution that is fair for everyone in involved.

If someone does something mean to you, you should tell a teacher right away.

False, try to solve the problem first on your own and if you can't solve the problem or the person does not stop then go to an adult. 


True or False, if you feel that you didn't do anything wrong you don't need to say sorry. 

False, even if you feel that you didn't do anything wrong you can always apologize for hurting someone's feelings or for the way our actions made someone else feel even if it was an accident or we didn't know we were doing it.


Earlier this year we read a story called Tyaja uses the THNK test. Tyaja did not like her friend Rosie's new haircut. Describe how she used the THNK test to decide not to tell Rosie how she felt about her hair cut.





Is it true? it was not based on facts, it was an opinion

Is it helpful? it is not helping her in any way, it will only hurt her feelings

Is is necessary? Telling her is not due to keeping her safe of danger

Is it kind? it is not kind to tell her she doesn't like her haircut

Every day at recess, Liam trips Max when he walks by. All the other students laugh when he falls. Joey doesn't join in on laughing and doesn't ever trip Max, but he doesn't tell any adults what has been happening.

Sour friend. 

*Bonus 100 points if you remember the term for what Joey is doing*


What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to how someone is feeling.


A bystander is someone who stands up to bullying.

False, a bystander is someone who stands by and watches someone get bullied and does nothing to stop it. an UPstander is someone who stands up to bullying.


In the beginning of the year we learned about the 6 steps of conflict resolution. Below is a list of the steps with some steps missing. Fill in the rest of the steps.

Step 1: 

Step 2:

Step 3: Take Responsibility

Step 4: 

Step 5: Choose a solution

Step 6: Apologize & Forgive each other

Step 1: Cool off

Step 2: Talk it out

Step 3: Take Responsibility

Step 4: Brainstorm solutions

Step 5: Choose a solution

Step 6: Apologize & Forgive each other


Thiago is a new student. When his class comes out for recess he looks nervous as he stands alone on the black top kicking a rock back and forth. Lucas notices Thiago standing alone. What could Lucas do to show him empathy?

Lucas could introduce himself to the new student and invite him to play with him and his friends.