A science tool that makes small things look bigger is a ________.
Hand lens or magnifying glass
What part of the plant makes seeds that grow new plants?
The flower
What type of animal lives in the water and has gills to help it breathe?
The Bible tells us that humans are different from animals because we are made in ___________.
God's image
_______ means to organize things into groups that are alike.
What are the three parts of a plant's life cycle?
Seed, seedling, and adult
What are the three stages of an animal's life cycle?
True or False: Your outside body parts (arms, legs, head) help you get food and water.
You can use a ___________ to measure the weight of something.
Balance scale
What are the four main parts of a plant?
Roots, stem, leaves, and flowers
What type of animal has fur or hair?
_______ are the hard parts of the body.
_________ means the way a person thinks about the world.
Because Adam sinned, plants now have _____, _____, and _____.
Thorns, thistles, and weeds
An _____________ is all the living and nonliving things around a plant or animal.
Your _______ help the bones and other body parts move.
What are the five senses?
Touch, taste, hearing, sight, smell
What are the five needs of plants?
What are the five needs of an animal?
Air, water, food, shelter, and space
Your _________ controls everything in the body.