Self-Control & Managing Impulsivity
Emotions & Empathy
Flexible Thinking & Problem Solving
Big Deal or Little Deal
Friendship & Kindness

What does it mean to have self-control?

You are in control and responsible for your words and actions. You can stop and think things through - this helps you make kind, calm, safe, and responsible choices.


How many emotions are there?

27 + !!!! 


What is Flexible Thinking?

It means looking for many solutions to a problem and not giving up if something doesn't work out. It can also mean trying new and different things!


Your friend got a paper cut and is having a whining tantrum on the floor. Is this a big deal or little deal?

Little. What reaction would make sense for this situation?


True or False: Friendship is important

TRUE! Having friends is super important- they support you, are there for you, and make things more enjoyable!


During lunch, your friend was feeling warm and decided to go to the bathroom and splash water everywhere. Is this demonstrating self-control? 

No!! It is not a responsible or respectful choice to splash water in the bathroom at school. What could your friend have done differently?

True or False: Our emotions change many, many times during the day.

True! We have feelings about things that happen all throughout the day. Emotions come and go! This is especially important to remember when we are feeling sad, frustrated, confused, or angry. 


You are upset that your friends are playing without you at recess. What can you do to think flexibly in this situation?

Play alone, ask to join, find others to play with.


Sometimes little things can feel big in a moment. What can make something feel bigger than it is?

Being tired, hungry, sleepy, or sick. If we aren't feeling well or need something, it is more likely that we will overreact to little things.


If you are playing a game in PE and a member of the other team trips, what could you do to show kindness?

Help them up, ask if they're okay. What is this an example of??? Goooood.....


If you feel angry and lose control, what zone are you in?

The RED Zone!! What can we do to manage our emotions when they get too big?


A friend told you that he scored 3 goals in his soccer game but broke his wrist in the last quarter. Name the emotions your friend must be feeling. 

Proud, excited, confident- then upset, sad, hurt. 

* Bonus * How can you help your friend see a silver lining??? 


True or False: These are flexible thoughts... "I can't do it yet. This may take some practice. This might be challenging, but I have other strengths."

TRUE. Can you think of any others?


If we overreact to something, what can we do once we calm down?

Apologize and try not to do it again.


True of False: You can only have one best friend.



If you do something impulsive and it hurts someone's feelings, what can you do to fix it?

If you say or do something that hurts someone else, you can apologize to them and let them know you will do your best to stay in control next time.


Name a few ways you can tell if a friend is in the blue zone. 

Sad, low tone, no energy, body language, looking down. 

BONUS- name two ways to help your friend into the Green Zone.


How can you think flexibly when someone is being mean to you?

Talk to them and say its hurtful. Tell a trusted adult as soon as possible.


Big Deal or Little Deal: You weren't paying attention and hit your head on a wall when you turned around. You started yelling at the people around you and blaming them that you got hurt. 

Little Deal. The reaction was too big. What could you have done differently? Laugh it off, walk away, get an ice pack, ask friends for help, pay closer attention next time.


If my friend says I should do something and I know it will get me in trouble, are they really my friend?

Friends should encourage you to be YOUR BEST! If someone puts you in a bad situation, they aren't being kind or respectful to you. 


Name 4 things that help you calm down and stay in control.

Painting, reading, drawing, having a snack, taking a movement break, talking to a trusted adult, listening to music, taking a path, watching a show, playing a video game, exercising. 


True or False: We can control our emotions.

False. Sometimes we feel things we don't want to feel- while we can't stop those feelings from coming, we CAN control what we SAY and DO when we have them. We can control ourselves even when we feel big emotions and remember to stay kind and calm.


What is a compromise? Can you think of an example?

When two people think of a solution that helps them both!


When something is a Big Deal- what should your reaction be?

BIG! Its important to stay calm and get help in big situations. Can you give an example?


Name three traits or qualities of a good friend.

Kindness, Honesty, Truth-worthiness, Supportive, Nice, Loving.