Finding the Sum
Make the Number Sentence
3 Addends

7 red apples and 12 green apples are in the basket. How many apples are in the basket?

19 apples.


Allan has 12 peaches and Jake has 5 peaches. How many peaches do Allan and Jake have together?




14 red flowers, 2 orange flowers and 3 yellow flowers are in the vase. How many flowers are in the vase?

19 flowers


Ben has 11 balls and Sam has 20 balls. How many more balls does Sam have than Ben?

9 balls


Tommy decided to eat 12 Skittles now and he saved 7 for later. Altogether, Tommy has how many skittles?

19 skittles


Eight balls are in the basket. Two more balls are put in the basket. How many balls are in the basket now?

10 balls.


16 apples are on the tree. 5 fall off. How many apples are on the tree?




Sally has 4 black rocks, 7 brown rocks and some white rocks. She has 18 rocks all together. How many rocks are white?

7 rocks


13 students were standing at music and 11 students were sitting on the carpet. How many more students were standing than sitting?

2 students


10 boys and 10 girls were on the playground at the end of recess. How many total student were on the playground for recess?



Sidney has 7 oatmeal raisin cookies and 7 gingerbread cookies. How many cookies does Sidney have?

14 cookies


Patty had some cubes in a box. She put 8 more cubes in the box. Now there 15 cubes in the box. How many cubes did Patty start with in the box?




Sally has 2 candies left. She had more, but she shared 3 with her brother and 7 with her best friend. How many candies did she start with before giving any away? 

12 candies


10 girls and 14 boys are playing tag. How many more boys than girls are playing tag?

4 boys


Sidney had 10 stickers on her chore chart. Her mom put 6 stickers on the chart in the morning. How many stickers did Sidney earn in the afternoon?

4 stickers


Matt has 10 pencils, 2 markers and 6 pens. He wants to know how many items he bought in all. How many did he buy?

18 items


Dan has 17 dogs. 13 of the dogs are black and the rest are brown. How many of his dogs are brown?

17=13+? or 17-13=?


There are 10 mice in all. 4 mice are on the cheese. How many mice are not on the cheese?
6 mice are not on the cheese

There were not any ducks on the log. 7 frogs hopped over to the log. How many more frogs than ducks are on the log?

7 frogs


Jamie has 9 flowers in a vase. There flowers come in two different colors, red and blue. How many flowers can be red and how many can be blue?

9 red and 0 blue; 8 red and 1 blue; 7 red and 2 blue; 6 red and 3 blue; 5 red and 4 blue; 4 red and 5 blue; 3 red and 6 blue; 2 red and 7 blue; 1 red and 8 blue ;0 red and 9 blue


Some plums were in the basket.4 more plums were added to the basket. Now there are 19 plums. How many plums were in the basket before more plums were added?

15 plums.


20 apples were sitting on the table. 7 of them are green and the rest are red. How many apples are red?

20-7=? or 20=7+?



Mary has 13 green pencils, 4 purple pencils and 2 yellow pencils. How many pencils does Mary have?

19 pencils


Jessica has 10 crayons and Peter has 10 crayons. How many crayons does Jessica have than Peter?

0 more crayons! They have the same amount! :) 


12 cats were walking down the sidewalk. Some cats joined in. At the end of the road there were 17 cats walking down the sidewalk. How many cats joined to walk?

5 cats