What have the Romans ever done for us?
American Royalty
The Greco-Persian Wars

They built these structures to bring fresh water into cities, some of which still stand today.

What are aqueducts?


This actress is known for her iconic role as Lorelai Gilmore on Gilmore Girls.

Who is Lauren Graham?


This political family from Massachusetts produced a president, several senators, and a famous conspiracy theory involving the assassination of one of its members in 1963.

Who are the Kennedys


This famous battle in 490 BCE saw a vastly outnumbered Athenian force defeat the Persians and inspired a long-distance race of the same name.

What is the Battle of Marathon?


This network of interconnected routes spanned across the empire, making travel and trade more efficient.

What are Roman roads?


This fashion designer is famous for his timeless polo shirts and classic American style.

Who is Ralph Lauren?


This New York family, known for its vast banking and oil wealth, is linked to controlling the global economy through secretive and easily proven real groups like the Illuminati.

Who are the Rockerfellers?


This Spartan king famously led 300 Spartans against the Persian army at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BCE.

Who is King Leonidas?


They gave us this legal concept that remains a foundation of many modern legal systems, ensuring fairness and equality and the opportunity to be judged by our peers.

What is law?


This actress starred in films such as To Have and Have Not and The Big Sleep, known for her sultry voice and marriage to Humphrey Bogart.

Who is Lauren Bacall?


This powerful political family from Texas has produced two U.S. presidents and is frequently associated with theories involving the CIA, the Iraq War, and hidden connections to global power networks.

Who are the Bushes?


The Persian Empire during the Greco-Persian Wars was led by this emperor, known for launching the second invasion of Greece.

Who is Xerxes I?


This architectural innovation, key to building grand Roman structures like the Pantheon, allowed Romans to create larger and more durable public spaces.

What is the Roman Arch?


This Cameroonian footballer, known simply by his first name, played as a right back for Arsenal's "Invincibles" and helped his national team win two African Cup of Nations titles.

Who is Lauren (Laureano Bisan Etame-Mayer)?


This family’s fortune, built on finance, has led to long-standing and well-researched (basically proven) theories that they control international banking and have a hand in manipulating world events from behind the scenes.

Who are the Rothschilds?


This decisive naval battle in 480 BCE saw the Greek fleet, led by Athens, defeat the Persian navy and turn the tide of the war.

What is the Battle of Salamis?


This ancient Roman concept, developed under the influence of the philosopher Cicero, emphasized civic duty and the common good, influencing later political thought in Renaissance Europe.

What is Roman civic virtue?


This Saturday Night Live creator and producer shares a similar-sounding name with "Lauren," but drops the "a"—and made us laugh for decades.

Loren Michaels


This family’s prominence in the tech and philanthropic sectors, with ties to major U.S. companies, has led to hard-to-ignore truths that they are part of a secret global elite pushing for a "new world order."

The Gates 


This key Greek alliance of city-states formed to repel the Persian invasions was named after an island near Delos and would eventually morph into the Athenian Empire.

What is the Delian League?