Summative /Formative Assessments
Classroom Management
Lesson Planning
iStation Reports

 Formative assessments

What are evaluations of someone’s learning and how well they understand a concept or idea with the idea of returning to reteach if necessary?


All of the things that a teacher does to organize
students, space, time, and materials so that learning can occur.

What Is Classroom Management


How teachers synthesize the curriculum goals with pedagogy and knowledge of their specific teaching context

What is Lesson Planning


This report provides student performance data from the most recently completed ISIP assessment and informal curriculum assessments

What is the Classroom
Summary Report


Demonstrates  student daily check ins and allows the student to track progress toward their goals.

What is my Goals Page?


Summative assessments 

What objectives have been taught and are used to gauge performance rather than progress?


1. Students are deeply involved with their work, primarily academic, teacher-led instruction.
2. Students know what is expected of them and are generally
3. The climate of the classroom is work-oriented but relaxed and

 What are the Characteristics of a Well-Managed Classroom


What exactly do you want your students to be able to do by the end of the lesson?

What is the learning target/ objective


This report alerts teachers of students needing
additional support & provides lessons based on
demonstrated weaknesses

What is the Priority Report


Provide students a choice of two or three activities,
all designed to achieve each unit’s learning

What are New Center Activity Cards


Quizzes, Games, Projects, Presentations, Group activities

What are common formative assessments?


Process for accomplishing things in the classroom—for example, what to do
when entering the classroom

 What is a Procedure

  • Helps students and teachers understand the goals of an instructional module
  • Allows the teacher to translate the curriculum into learning activities
  • Align the instructional materials with the assessment
  • Align the assessment with the learning goal
  • It helps ensure that the needed instructional materials are available
  • Enables the teacher to address individual learning needs among students thoughtfully

What is Effective Lesson Planning


This report show each skill assessed and the
progress made by the students through the current month as measured against performance goals.

What is the Skill Growth Report


Learning skills such as self-
confidence, diversity, and pro-social behavior.

What is Social Emotional Learning


Tests, Final exams, Reports, Papers, End-of-class projects

What are Common summative assessments?


Explain: State, explain, model, and demonstrate the procedure.
2. Rehearse: Rehearse and practice the procedure under your
3. Reinforce: Reteach, rehearse, practice, and reinforce the classroom
procedure until it becomes a student habit or routine.

What is the three-step approach to
Teaching Classroom Procedures


The central guide for all educators is what is essential for teaching and learning.

What is curriculum


This report shows recent student usage by grade level for all students using the Istation Reading Program

What is the Usage Report?


The process of extending student thinking and enriching their learning. Challenge advanced learners.

What is Gifted and Talented


Formative assessment supports curricula by providing?

Real-time data


Line up orderly when transitioning from one activity or space to another.

 Hand in homework at the start of each class period

Retrieve materials for upcoming activities from the exact location quickly and efficiently

What is a Routine


Instructional Strategies

What is any learning technique a teacher uses to help students learn or better understand the course material?


This report shows a comparison of the
number and percentage of students who were categorized at each instructional tier of Tier I, Tier II, Tier III through the current month.

What is the Tier Movement Report

  • Investigate an Essential Question.
  • Read a variety of texts.
  • Closely read texts for deeper meaning.
  • Respond to texts using text evidence.
  • Conduct research.
  • Share your knowledge.
  • Inspire action

What is Wonders Instructional Model