Earth's Layers
Plate Tectonics/Changes in Earth's Landforms
1)____: consists of 2 layers and made up of nickle and iron 2)______: and extremely dense ball of solid metal due to increasing pressure 3)______: liquid layer of molten metal that surrounds inner core
1)core 2)inner core 3)outer core
Evidence for continental drift
-folded mountains -puzzle fit -same fossils on far away places -> glossopteris fern -tropical plants in now cold places -glacial deposits
1)_________: vibrations that travel through Earth carrying the energy released during an Earthquake 2)_____:push/pull back and forth direction of waves 3)_______: moves at right angles to direction of waves 4)______: slower and cause more damage
1)seismic waves 2)primary 3)secondary 4)surface
1)_____: outer most layer of Earth 2)Oceanic crust is made out of ____. 3)Continental crust is made out of _____.
1)crust 2)Basalt (dense) 3)Granite (less dense)
1)______: where two plates move away from each other 2)______: two plates come together 3)______: two plates slip past each other moving in opposite directions
1)divergent 2)convergent 3)transformation
1)_______: rigid upper part of the mantle. "stone sphere" 2)_____: layer of hot rock that makes up 80% of Earth's volume. 3)_____: soft layer of mantle below (Answer 1) that "flows" due to increased temp. and pressure
1)lithosphere 2)mantle 3)asthenosphere
-weak spot in Earth's crust where magma rises -constructive force that adds new rock FOUND: -beneath oceans -Ring of Fire -plate boundaries
________: the transfer of energy by the "flowing" of matter (OR MOVEMENT OF FLUIDS) when one section of the current is less dense and rises, then cools, get dense, and sinks due to density and gravity
convection currents
1)____: block of land that uplifts 2)_____: bending of rocks 3)____: hill 4)_____:valley
1)faulting 2)folding 3)anticline 4)syncline
(1)____ in the outer core hit the inner core causes it to (2)___ and the causes a magnetic field around Earth.
1) currents 2) spin
1)_____:caused by tension // 2)______: compression \\ 3)_____: shearing ||
1)normal 2)reverse 3)strike-slip