Ch. 1 (If Not You... Who?)
Ch. 2 (Responding to an Emergency)
Ch. 3 (Before Giving Care)
Ch. 4 (The Human Body)
Ch. 5 (Checking the Person)

The most important action you can take in an emergency

What is activating EMS by calling 9-1-1 or the designated emergency #?

Before rushing onto the scene of an emergency, conduct a- 

What is scene size-up?


A microorganism that causes disease, overpowering the body's natural defense systems and causing illness

What is a pathogen?


The two body systems that work together to provide oxygenated blood to all cells of the body

What is circulatory and respiratory?


The ABC acronym stands for

What is airway, breathing and circulation?


2 types of emergencies that require first aid

What is injuries & (sudden) illnesses?


The emergency action steps in order

What is Check-Call-Care?

2 ways to minimize disease transmission when giving care in a situation involving visible blood

What is

* using latex-free disposable blood

* washing hands after removing blood

* using other PPE (goggles/glasses, face mask, breathing barrier)

* properly cleaning up as soon as possible after the spill occurs


The 5 body cavities

What is cranial, spinal, thoracic, abdominal and pelvic?


When a person is breathing abnormally or struggling to breath

What is agonal (or agnostic) breathing?


Acute stress experienced by a person after responding to an emergency involving a serious injury, illnesses or death. If not properly managed, may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.

What is Incident Stress?


Things a person should be ready to tell a 9-1-1 dispatcher

What is 

* location of emergency

* nature of emergency

* what happened

* number being used

 * number of injured or ill people

* what help, if any, has been given so far


A law that assumes that a person would give their permission to be cared for if they were able to do so

What is implied consent?


List & describe 3 body positions

* Fowler's- partially sitting up

* Anatomical- standing with arms at side, palms up

* Prone- face down

* Supine- face up

* R/L Lateral Recumbent- on side


A victim should be placed in the recovery position to prevent

What is aspiration?


3 reasons that may prevent people from being willing to act in an emergency

What is

* uncertainty that emergency actually exists

* fear of giving wrong care/inadvertently causing more harm

* Assuming situation is already under control

* Squeamishness (unpleasant sights, sounds or smells)

* Fear of catching a disease

* Fear of being sued


Call 1st or Care 1st: A person who has severe, life-threatening bleeding

What is care first?


OPIM stands for-

What is other potentially infectious materials?


The difference between

1. proximal & distal 

2. medial and lateral

3. anterior and posterior

1. Proximal is closer to trunk, distal is further from trunk

2. Medial is closer to midline, lateral is further from midline

3. Anterior is towards front, posterior is towards back


What does the SAMPLE acronym stand for

What is signs/symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent medical history, last food/drink and events leading up to the incident?

5 ways that bystanders can help at the scene of an emergency

What is

* giving information about the victim

* giving information about what they saw 

* retrieving First Aid kit and AED

* retrieving medicine

* controlling traffic

* keeping family members, children, pets under control


* calling 9-1-1 or designated emergency #


The 3 situations that it would be appropriate to move and injured or ill person

What is

* to protect from immediate danger

* to reach another person with more serious condition 

* to provide proper care


The 4 conditions that must be present for disease transmission to occur

What is

* Pathogen is present

* Sufficient quantity of pathogen

* Pathogen passes through the correct entry site

* Person is susceptible to the pathogen


List the 8 body systems that we learned about in this class.

What is 

* Circulatory

* Respiratory

* Nervous

* Musculoskeletal

* Endocrine

* Digestive

* Genitourinary

* Integumentary 


DOUBLE BONUS: A normal pulse range is 

What is 60-100 beats per minute?