Rocks and Layers
Plate Tectonics
Energy Resources
Pieces of rock called _________ are buried, compacted, heated and often recrystallized into ______ rocks.
What is sediment and new
The type of rock that forms when heat and pressure are applied
What is metamorphic rock
a plate boundary in which no new crust is made or destroyed is called a(n)
What is d. (transform boundary)
Which of these catastrophic events does NOT impact weather conditions a. volcanoes b. tornadoes c. earthquakes d. hurricanes
What is c. earthquakes
What is not a negative impact on the environment due to burning fossil fuels? a. acid rain b. erosion due to deforestation of lumber c. smog d. erosion due to strip mining
What is b.
__________ is the process which breaks down rocks into smaller pieces
What is weathering
Which of the following is included in the rock cycle? a. dormant volcanoes b. rocks separating through the process of sedimentation c. rivers carrying sand and mud to the sea d. energy from the sun
What is c.
A period during which ice collects in high latitudes and moves toward lower latitudes is called
What is an Ice Age
An example of a destructive force would be
What is weathering
A farmer uses chemical fertilizers to keep the soil fertile. Some amounts of fertilizer are found in the river. How will this affect the aquatic habitat?
What is the amount of dissolved oxygen will decrease
What is the first step in soil formation?
What is weathering or rocks and minerals
The type of rock that forms when rocks are exposed to weathering, erosion and lithification
What is sedimentary
A combination of constructive and destructive forces results in _______ a. terrain such as deserts and forests b. the domination of the constructive force c. a combined but slowed result d. landforms
What is d. landforms
Which of the following is not a constructive force from which landforms can result? a. crustal deformation b. weathering and erosion c. volcanic eruptions d. depositing sediment
What is b.
Humans use vehicles for transportation which emit exhaust gases. Which of these is the effect of these gases? a. cause acid rain b. affect road quality c. improve air quality d. decrease global temperature
What is a.
The presence of which of the following organisms would most likely signify soil that would be high in organic material? a. deer c. spiders b. earthworms d. groundhogs
What is b. earthworms
The solid portion of the Earth is called the
What is lithosphere
Lithospheric plate motions result in
What is earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
According to the current fossil record, scientists believe that life on Earth began about how long ago?
What is 3.5 billion years ago
Humans make dams to generate electricity. What is the adverse effect of dams on the earth's ecosystems?
What is terrestrial animals lose their habitat
What is the first step in soil formation? a. mixing small rock particles with organic matter b. dead plants and animals decaying c. weathering of rocks and minerals d. plants taking root and growing
What is c.
The rock cycle is based on which principle of matter? a. reformation of matter b. destruction of matter c. conservation of matter d. complete change of matter
What is c.
The crustal plates on Earth move about
What is 3 cm. per year
A 20 km wide asteroid collided with the Earth 6.5 billion years ago. The long term impact of this collision was
What is the extinction of many species and organisms
Forest cover has been cleared to expand cities for accommodating growing population. How does this affect the earth's ecosystem?
What is soil erosion increases