The side lengths of a rectangular box is 5 cm and 4 cm. What is the perimeter?
What is 18 cm?
The sides of a rectangle are 4 cm and 3 cm. What is the area?
What is 12 sq. cm.?
3 x 30
What is 90?
Write eight ninths as a fraction.
What is 8/9?
Write an equivalent fraction for 1/2.
Answers will vary....2/4, 3/6, 4/8, 5/10 (most common)
My yard is 9 ft wide and 10 ft long. What is the perimeter?
What is 38 ft?
The side of a square is 6 meters. What is the area?
What is 36 sq. meters?
4 x 80
What is 320?
Which is greater 1/4 or 1/8?
What is 1/4?
What is two thirds of 15?
What is 10?
The square has a side length of 8 in. What is the perimeter?
What is 32 in.?
The perimeter of the square is 20 cm. What is the area?
What is 25 sq. cm.? (Sides lengths of 5)
15 x 6
What is 90?
What digit is the numerator in four tenths?
What is four?
Write an equivalent fraction for 1/3.
Answers will vary....2/6, 3/9, 4/12, 5/15 (most common)
The racetrack is shaped like a rectangle. If the side lengths are 2 miles and 3 miles. How far did you run if you ran the track twice?
What is 20 miles?
The rectangle has a side length of 8 cm. The other side is 2 cm shorter. What is the area?
What is 48 sq. cm.?
10 x 5 x 8
What is 400?
What digit is the denominator in five ninths?
What is nine?
How many wholes are in forty-eight sixths?
What is 8 wholes?
If the area is 25 sq. cm and my figure is a square. What is the perimeter?
What is 20 cm?
The square has an area of 100 sq. in. What are the side lengths?
What is 10 in.?
5 X 7 X 10 =
What is 350?
True or false: five sevenths is less than five tenths.
What is false?
Write one and three fourths as an improper fraction?
What is 7/4?