Which of the following is an example of an output device?
Binary is a number system that uses which two digits?
0 and 1
How would you write a comment in CSS?
1) <!--This is a comment that will only show inside the code -->
2) /* This is a comment that will only show inside the code */
3) // This is a comment that will only show inside the code
/* This is a comment that will only show inside the code */
What best describes Decomposition in problem solving?
Break a problem down into smaller simpler problems.
What storage is persistent and faster than HDD?
SSD or Solid State Drive
What type of memory is temporary and erased when the computer is turned off?
A byte consists of how many bits?
What attribute is used to import an image in HTML?
What part of the following is a CSS property?
p {
color: red;
.container {
width: 300px;
"color" and "width" are CSS properties.
What is the proper syntax to call a function named "jump" in JavaScript?
What's the first step in problem solving?
Fully understand the problem ( define ).
What is a core in a computer?
A processing unit within the CPU
Which of the following is an example of software?
Google Sheets
How would you write a comment in HTML?
1) <!--This is a comment that will only show inside the code -->
2) /* This is a comment that will only show inside the code */
3) // This is a comment that will only show inside the code
<!--This is a comment that will only show inside the code -->
What are a CSS selectors?
They are used to specify what HTML elements are targeted for rules and styles.
What does it mean to "call" a function?
To execute / activate a function or to run the code inside a that function.
What does the "s" stand for in https?
Which storage device uses magnetic spinning disks to read/write data?
What is the function of a GPU?
Handles graphics rendering to an output
In the example below, which is the parent element?
<p>Hello World</p>
What is the best description for the purpose of CSS?
It styles and positions elements of a webpage.
or simply STYLE and POSITION
What is the key word used to define / create a new function?
function ("function" is the key word placed before the name of the function)
function myNewFunction(){
run some code...
What are NFC tags used for?
Transferring data wirelessly over short distances
What connects the CPU, memory, and other hardware components in a computer?
What is the primary job of the CPU?
Gives commands to other components of the computer
What is the best description for the purpose of HTML?
It lays out the structure and content for a webpage.
What CSS property and value can be used to change the flow of an html document from vertical to horizontal?
display: flex
What is a conditional statement in programming?
they allow a program to run specific code based on whether a condition is true or false. Examples in javascript include the key words "if", "else if", "else".
In a data structure, a stack follows which order?
First-In-Last-Out (FILO)
What is the function of a GPU?
Handles graphics rendering to an output
What four things are common to all computers?
Input, Output, Processing, Storage
Does the following have the correct HTML syntax?
<img src="https://google.com" alt="search icon">Google Search</img>
No, the image tag is a self closing tag and shouldn't contain text inside of it.
It should look like:
<img src="https://google.com" alt="search icon"/>
I have a section tag with class "main". Write a CSS class that gives the section a black background and white text. Use proper syntax.
.main {
background: black;
color: white;
Write a for loop that calls a function called "draw" 10 times.
}What was ENIAC?
The first general-purpose digital computer