Type of map that aggregates date using colors to represent different values
Choropleth map
An example of an antinatalist policy
China's one child policy
Give an example of material culture, and nonmaterial culture
Nonmaterial: tipping, religion, customs
Occurs when an ethnic or immigrant group blends in with the host culture and loses many culturally distinctive traits.
Which empire controlled the MOST area in world history?
Mongol Empire
A map that uses dots to represent objects or counts.
Dot density map
An example of a pronatalist policy
tax credit for kids, free child care, long maternity leave
A country with multiple ethnicities in it struggles with unity. (what term is this represented with)
Occurs when an ethnic or immigrant group adopts enough of the ways of the host society to be able to function economically and socially
Which country was divided in 1947 due to its religious centrifugal forces?
India and Pakistan
A projection of Earth that is best for navigation
Mercator map projection
Give an example of a country with rapid population growth AND a country with negative growth
India; Italy
A language of communication and commerce spoken across a wide area where it is NOT the mother tongue.
Lingua franca
A faith that believes souls or spirits exist not only in humans, but also in animals, plants, rocks, natural phenomena such as thunder etc.
The phenomenon whereby the introduction of a new transportation technologies progressively reduces the time it takes to travel between places
time-space compression
New technology that has revolutionized map making
Name two laws of Ravenstein's laws of migration
A movement to abolish or reject cherished beliefs of institutions or established values and practices
People that disagree with Malthusian views on population and resources; most famous being Ester Borserup
A historical way of dividing land where each farmer gets a long rectangular plot that connects to a water source
French long lot system
How we modify space based on who we are as a group of people
The population theory that predicts that eventually population will out pace food supplies, killing off a large percentage of the population leading to carrying capacity.
Malthusian Theory
Which free trade agreement in North America promoted Globalization?
NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
The number of farmers per unit of arable land
Agricultural density
Example of syncretism in Mexican Catholicism.
Day of the Dead and The Virgin of Guadalupe