First permanent settlement
What is Jamestown
First battle of the revolution was
What is Lexington and Concord
What is executive, legislative and judicial
First president to give farewell address
Who is George Washington
This gave jobs to Jackson's loyal supporters
What is the spoil system
the nickname for the middle colony is the
What is the Bread Basket
A major cause of the revolution was
What is no taxation without representation
States and Federal government share powers
What is federalism
These laws under Adams violated citizens rights
What is Alien and Sedition Acts
Instead of a National bank Jackson used
What is state/pet banks
New England was settled for
What is religion
For DOUBLE POINTS the last battle of the war was
What was Yorktown
The 3/5ths compromise was made to fix this problem
What is representation/tax with slaves
FOR DOUBLE POINTS The embargo Act under Jefferson did this
What is closed trade with all foreign countries
FOR DOUBLE POINTS Jacksonian democracy
Gave more power to the common man/allowed the common man to vote
The Mayflower Compact was
What was the first written form of self government
Turning point of the war that encouraged the french to help was
What is Saratoga
The Great Compromise made
What is a two house congress/senate and house of representatives
The war of 1812 was fought over this
What is impressment
The Trail of Tears was
What is when Jackson sent the army to forcibly relocate thousands of natives to Oklahoma
For DOUBLE POINTS name all the colonies in the south
What is South/North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland
The war was ended with
What is the Treaty of Paris 1783
For DOUBLE POINTS name all 7 principles
What is Checks and balances, separation of powers, federalism, limited government, republicanism, pop sov, individual rights
FOR DOUBLE POINTS Monroe's Missouri Compromise did this
What is created the 36'30 line to create equal alive and free states
FOR DOUBLE POINTS the nullification crisis was an example of
What is states rights