For The Strength of Youth
Children and Youth Program
Those Adults
Patriarchal Blessings

How many topics are in the For Strength of Youth Pamphlet?



What are the categories for goals?

Spiritual, physical, social, intellectual


This stake leader once served in our ward's young women's program and is also a nurse.

Who is Sister Hontz?


How old do you have to be to get your patriarchal blessing?

There is no set age for receiving a patriarchal blessing, but recipients need to be of sufficient age and maturity to understand its significance.


1st Ward!

Who are we?


What is the purpose of the new FSY Booklet?

To build a solid foundation for making choices to stay on the covenant path, to prepare to make sacred covenants in the temple, to prepare to serve a mission, and find joy in following Jesus Christ throughout your life.


Why is SERVICE an important part of the Youth Program?

Service brings joy and connection to our Savior. You can find joy when you love and serve others as Jesus would.


At last year's young men's camp, this leader caused a small explosion and singed off his arm and leg hair.

Who is brother Pearson?


What object, spoken of in the Book of Mormon, can be likened to your Patriarchal blessing?

The Liahona


The second place we went after a temple trip last year for food

What is McDonald's?


How do we walk in God's light?

By making good choices. "Making good choices improves your ability to feel the Spirit. There are many good and wholesome things in this world. Just as your body is affected by what you eat and drink, your mind and spirit are profoundly affected by what you read, watch and listen to. "


An important purpose of the Youth Program is to help us overcome all things and become like WHO?

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ


This leader loves cooking and karaoke.

Who is Sister Race?


What two actions might the Stake Patriarch ask you to do on the day you visit him to receive your blessing?

Fasting and Prayer


Scripture story shared on the river during lunch break on last year's young men's float trip.

What is the story when Father Lehi named a valley and a river after his sons, Laman and Lemuel?


What kind of Choices can the FSY booklet help you make?

ALL CHOICES “Youth are encouraged to use the principles in the guide to make righteous choices in all aspects of their lives. The booklet teaches you eternal truths of His restored gospel — truths about who you are, who He is and what you can accomplish with His strength. It teaches you how to make righteous choices based on those eternal truths.”


What are the 4 steps in the pattern of growth?

Discover, Plan, Act, Reflect

This leaders is the uncle of the ward.

Who is Brother Poli?


Which Prophet said this, "A Patriarchal blessing is a revelation to the recipient, even a white line down the middle of the road, to protect, inspire, and motivate activity and righteousness.

Thomas S. Monson


The location of our last stake youth conference.

What is Nauvoo?


Who is your strength?

Jesus Christ. "Jesus can help you change your desires, your thoughts, and your actions.  When you are worried, afraid or struggling in any way, He will comfort you. He will help you in all aspects of your life".


What Scripture is the Children and Youth Program based on?

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. Luke 2:52


This leader is the father of our ward.

Who is Bishop Carter?


What was M. Russell Ballard talking about when he said, "Latter Day Saints should turn to what document when they have a spiritual need and when they desire reassurance?"

A Patriarchal blessing


The theme for last year's trail of faith at girls camp.

What is I can do all things through Christ?