What should you do if you have a question or comment?
What color do we want in the cafeteria?
Where do you papers, notebooks, and homework go?
Papers go in your binder, notebooks in your desk, and homework in your homework folder.
When I have a question, I...
Raise your hand quietly, and find the teacher.
How many kids does Mrs. Juarez have?
One son
What do you do first thing in the morning?
Unpack your backpack, turn in any signed papers or homework, and get to work on your bellwork.
How do we walk on campus?
Quietly and in a straight line.
Where should all your supplies go?
In our cubbies, or in your desk.
What do you say when I say "Class Class"?
Yes yes
What state is Mrs. Juarez from?
Where and how do you turn in work?
We turn in our homework on Fridays. Any signed papers when the teacher asks us.
If you disagree when playing something, you should..
Play rock, paper, scissors .
Where can I find pencils?
Sharp pencils and dull pencils are in the buckets next to the sink.
When I say macaroni and cheese, you say...
"Everybody freeze."
What is Mrs. Juarez's number one job?
To keep you all safe.
If you need to use the bathroom, you should...
Use your hand signals and make sure no one else is there.
Where do you line up when the whistle blows?
Name 2 notebooks that we have.
2 Notebooks- Grammar and Writing.
When I say, "All eyes on me", you say...
All eyes on you.
What is Mrs. Juarez's favorite color?
What is and where is the safe place?
A place where I can go if I am overwhelmed and need a break- on the side of the class.
What should you do while you're at recess?
Follow the 3 B's, use the restroom.
What do we do at the end of the day?
Clean up and organize our materials, putting them away in their specific locations.
When I say, Ready to Rock...you say
Ready to Roll
How many years has Mrs. Juarez been at Ed Pastor?
4 years.