Name three words that start with sp-
1- You wear me so that people know who you are
2- I end with -dge
Name 3 words that end with -sk
Name three of the four letters that are doubled after a short vowel.
-ll, -ss, -ff, -zz
Name three words that start with st-
1- I am an animal
2- I collect nuts in winter
3- My name starts with squ-
Name three words that end with -mp
Name the three sounds that -ed makes at the end of a word
"t". "d" "id or ed"
Name three words that start with fl-
1- I am an animal
2- I am black with a white stripe down my back
3- My name ends with -nk
Name three words that end in -dge
When do you use -dge at the end of a word
When the vowel is short
Name three words that start with str-
1-You do this with money
2- I start with sp-
Mame three words that end with -st
How do you know when to use -oe and -oa
=oe at the end of a word
-oa in the middle of a word
Name three words that start with spr-
1- You wear me on Halloween
20 My name ends with -sk
Nmae three words that end with -tch
How do you know when to use -ay and -ai
-ay at the end of a word
-ai in the middle of a word