Conversation Skills
Advocate for yourself
Context Clues

When entering a classroom, you should __________

the teacher.

Greet ... Say hi to


You didn't hear the teacher's directions.  What should you do?

Ask them to repeat themselves.


This is a form you fill out to apply for a job.

Job Application?  or Job Interview?

Job Application


Hurricane Katrina, in 2005 was a serious calamity for the city of New Orleans. More than 1000 people died and hundreds of thousands were left homeless.

a disaster


The late bell rang. Almost immediately, the principal came on the loudspeaker to do the morning announcements. Chairs scratched across the tile floor as children stood up from the desks to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

Where are they?



When in a conversation, one person speaks and the other person ______________.


You were standing in the line in the cafeteria and there are no more apple juices on the shelf.  What could you do?

Ask whether they have any more juice or select something else to drink.


When someone tells you they are a teacher, or a banker or a police officer - they are telling you what their ____________ is. 

Occupation   or     Employer



Mom has a book of anecdotes from when my sister and I were little. We love to read her brief descriptions of the hilarious things we said and did when we were toddlers.

Short, true stories that are often funny.


Everywhere they looked, they saw trees, grass, and dirt. As they stood on the trail, they heard the sounds of bugs, birds, and frogs. The girls had their backpacks and boots on. They were ready to explore.

Where were they?

On a hike... in the woods


To learn more information during a conversation, you should ____ a ______________.

ask ......... question


The bell rings but you did not finish taking your test.  You know you're allowed to get extra time. What should you do?

Let the teacher know that you didn't finish the test but want the opportunity to finish.


The word salary means......

how much money you make at a job

Police offers have not been able to catch the sly criminal. So far, his serpentine behavior has made it impossible to find him, but they'll catch him eventually.

cunning and clever


The band played and the cheerleaders jumped, flipped, and yelled at the 50 yard line. Oscar and John gave each other a high five as they sat next to each other in the bleachers. Their team had just earned another 7 points on the board. They were so close to a victory!

Where are they?

a football game


______contact is important because it tells the other person that you are paying attention.



You just had a fight with a good friend.  You are upset and the bell rings to go to class. You get to class, but you're having a hard time not crying. What can you do?

Ask to go to the restroom, for a few minutes to calm down ... ask to go to the counseling center.


Duties and tasks that you do for a job are also known as :

job responsibilities   or   qualifications?

Job responsibilities 


Mr. Murphy decided to make his speech upbeat and succinct. When he looked out at the audience of middle school students, he could tell that the principal's long, stern speech had bored them.



The line stretched forever. People put their bags on the floor and inched them forward.  My father and I removed our shoes. There was an announcement about a gate change and a delay on an arrival from Chicago.  Where am I?

The airport


True / False.  You should use any tone of voice you want when talking to a teacher.



You're having trouble organizing and keeping track of your assignments.  You keep handing things in late.  What can you do?

Ask a teacher for help.  Use a planner.  Put due dates in your phone.


A job interview is ...   a form you fill out OR a conversation?

A conversation


Sid left school at lunchtime. He feigned sickness because he wasn't prepared to present his project that afternoon.

To pretend something that isn't true


I sat on the bench while Mother and Punch went into the room. I was a little worried about Punch, but I knew that he would get good care. As I waited, I watched a tiny puppy wander toward the lady with a cat in a crate.  The lady at the desk talked to a man who was buying medicine.  Where am I?

The veterinarian