Enduring Trials
Examine whether ye be in the faith
Gee Whiz Information
Caring For The Poor

True or false? If we pray with sufficient faith in Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father will remove any trial that we are going through.

False, he CAN remove the trail and sometimes he does but more often he strengthens you to endure.


What is criticism?

Generally, to criticize someone means to judge them negatively, pointing out their faults or mistakes. In the scriptures, criticism may be referred to as evil speaking or murmuring against someone.


How old is President Nelson?

99, he turned 99 on 9-9


Latter-day Saint Charities has provided how many dollars in aid to assist those in need throughout the world?

More than two billion


Who's dad serves as second counselor in the Columbine ward bishopric?



At the beginning of the lesson good experiences and trials were compared to what?

A rose and it's thorns.

In the lesson what was the criticism the saints in Corinth had for Paul?

His bodily presence is weak or speech contempible.


Who is the president of the quorum of the twelve apostles currently?

The current President of the Quorum of the Twelve is Dallin H. Oaks. Since Oaks is a counselor in the First Presidency, M. Russell Ballard is currently serving as acting president.


When catastrophizes occur throughout the world, those LDS volunteers that gather to help and serve those in need are referred to as?

Mormon helping hands


Which one of your classmates has a dad that used to play early morning basketball with Travis?

Barrett (Dad was referred to as Zanage)


Name one other high school aged challenge that was in the top 6 in the lesson, beside Peer Relationships and Drame

Peer pressure or social anxiety and loneliness or bullying and cyberbullying, or academic pressure or mental health issues. Will also accept time management.


The quote including this phrase: "No man … can speak evil of the Lord’s anointed and find fault with God’s authority on the earth without incurring His displeasure" Was given by whom?

Henry B Eyring


Who is the 1st counselor in our stake presidency? 

Matt Ballard


When you fast and provide an offering which is more than the value of the meal you skipped, what percentage of that money goes to those in need?

100% and more


Which one of your classmates lives on a street called "Roxbury Place"



According to the lesson and the survey, what is the greatest challenge amount high school students today?

Peer Relationships and Drama (not the class by the way)


According to the lesson, name one reason why we have a tendency to be or think negatively?

Negativity bias, or survival instinct or emotional impact or social comparison or describing ourselves or seeking joy in misery.


Who is the stake Relief Society President?

Heidi Stutz


In the scriptures and also in an Elder Holland quote the word used to describe the extreme poor is?



In this class which student's dad used to work for Travis?



How many times was Paul beaten (received stripes) by the Jews?

39 (forty save one)


This quote: "If a man rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy; and if he does not repent, will apostatize, as God lives."

Joseph Smith the prophet


Christmas break for school this year starts on what date?

December 20 which is a Wednesday.


The caring for the poor lesson comes from what scripture reference?

2 Corinthians 8–9


This is Chris Cherry father of Charlotte. How old was he when he got married?