Projectile Motion

This is the distance of projectile traveled in the horizontal direction 



In what way are two vectors added together?

Head to tail 


In projectile motion, assuming air resistance is negligible, the horizontal component of velocity will behave in what way?

It is a constant non zero value


An object that is thrown, kicked, or launched into motion and then allowed to follow the path determined only by the influence of gravity 

Projectile Motion 


If two displacement vectors have magnitudes of 3.0 meters and 7.0 meters, and they are added together, what is the magnitude of the sum?

As large as 10.0 meters and as small as 4.0 meters


When graphing projectile motion, the path is in what shape?


This is the motion of one object in relation to another object 

Relative motion 


If you have two vectors, A and B, in what way could their sum equal 0 

A and B have equal magnitude but are in opposite directions


What is the acceleration of a projectile when it reaches its highest point? 

9.8 m/s2


This is the addition of two vectors together 

Resultant vector


As an airplane is traveling down a runway, with a speed of 16.5 m/s, a flight attendant walks towards the tail of the plane with a speed of 1.22 m/s. What is the flight attendant's speed in relation to the ground?

15.3 m/s


A projectile is launched with an initial speed of 12 m/s. At its highest point, its speed is 6 m/s. What was the launch angle of the projection?

60 degrees


This is a quantity specified by both a length and a direction 



You are riding on a jet ski at an angle of 35 degrees upstream on a river flowing with a speed of 2.8 m/s. If your velocity relative to the ground is 9.5 m/s at an angle of 20 degrees upstream, what is the speed of the jet ski relative to the water?

 11 m/s


As you are playing shortstop, you pick up a ground ball and throw it to second base. The ball is thrown horizontally to second base with a speed of 22 m/s, directly toward point A. When the ball reaches the second baseman 0.45 seconds later, it is caught at point B. How far were you from second base?

9.9 meters