Projectile Motion
Multiple Forces/Inclined Planes
Random Physics
This is the angle measurement associated with traveling straight eastward. 

What is 0 degrees?


The vertical acceleration of most (if not all) projectiles is always this value.

What is the acceleration of gravity? (9.8 m/s2)


Gravity, Normal Force, and this are the three forces that affect an object on an inclined plane. 

What is friction?


An object in free fall is under the influence of only this force. 

What is gravity?


A female turkey is called this.

What is a hen?


A vector must have these two quantities. 

What is direction and magnitude?


True/False. Horizontal velocity changes depending on the force of gravity.

What is false?


If an object has a force of 45 N pulling it rightward and a force of 35 N pulling it leftward. This is the total force acting on the object.

What is 10 N rightward?

This Newton Law that's that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

What is Newton's Third Law?


This element's symbol is the letter "I."

What is Iodine?


If I travel straight north 5 meters and then straight westward 5 m, this is the magnitude of my displacement.

What is approx. 7.1 meters? 


During projectile motion, the projectile is at its lowest velocity at this time.  

What is at peak height?


If a 5 kg box sits on a 15 degree inclined plane, this is the force of gravity acting on the box. 

What is 49 N?

The slope of an acceleration vs time graph will give you this value. 

What is velocity?


The Scoville scale measures this.

What is the hotness of chili peppers?

If a boat is sailing westward at 16 km/hr, but this wind is blowing eastward at 4 km/hr, this is the boats total velocity. (With magnitude and direction)

What is 12 km/hr westward?


For an upwardly launched projectile, _________ is the best angle to shoot a projectile the furthest distance. 

What is 45 degrees?


If a 5 kg box sits on a 15 degree inclined, this is the normal force acting on the box.

What is 47.3 N?


This is the reason that objects maintain their state of motion. 

What is inertia?


This crime was what Andy Dufresne was found guilty of in the movie "Shawshank Redemption?"

What is Murder?


A bird flies south at 2.5 m/s before turning eastward and changing her velocity to 3.2 m/s. This is the birds total velocity vector during this time. 

What is approx. 4.1 m/s at 322 degrees?

If a non-horizontally launched projectile has an initial velocity of 24 m/s at a 45 degree angle, what is the objects total time of flight?

What is approx. 3.5 seconds?


If a 5 kg box sits on a 15 degree inclined, and the coefficient of friction between the box and the ground is 0.45, this is the force of friction.  

What is 21.3 N?


If a runner travels completely around a 400 meter track 3 times, This is their total displacement in kilometers. 

What is 0 km?


This the name of the 17th President of the United States. 

Who is Andrew Johnson?