I've got
your back!
Brain Matters
and Terms
Where's the
Name the regions of the spine. 


This lobe of the brain controls behavior.

Frontal Lobe

Frequency of pericare

AT LEAST twice a day and with every invol

How do you know if equipment is clean?

1. Dynamap- Green "Clean" Sign

2. Equipment- If it's the storage room, it's assumed to be clean it. *So clean prior to putting back*


TWO numbers to call an Emergency STAT.

555 or 604


Damage to which region of the spinal cord results in tetraplegia. 

Cervical (C1 through C8)


Name THREE safety devices.

1. Lock Belt

2. Mitts

3. Specialty bed: Posey or Safekeeper

4. Code Alert

5. Bed Alarm


The #1 way to prevent hospital acquired infections.

Hand Hygiene


Process for broken medical equipment (Dinamaps, IV pumps, TF pumps)

1. Place in soiled utility. 

2. Place PINK sticker with DETAILED information about what is wrong with the equipment. 

Pro Tip: There is no need to put in a track-it for broken medical equipment placed in soiled utility.

Paperwork that must accompany patient for an XRay

Copy of the order and ticket-to-ride


Risks for pressure injuries (6 components of the Braden Scale)

1. Mobility

2. Moisture 

3. Sensory Perseption

4. Nutrition

5. Activity

6. Friction and Sheer

How to call a Code Green and who responds

555 or 604 

Any one who has completed SafetyCares Part 2


Name THREE components of the CAUTI bundle.

1. Pericare (at least) twice a day

2. Drainage bag below the bladder. 

3. Less than 2/3 full

4. Date and label urinary supplies

5. Anchor catheter 24/7

6. Tubing is free of kinks and off the ground


Trached patients should never be left alone without...

Call light and continuous pulse ox

Frequency of patient weights and why we do them. 

Frequency: Weekly or per order

Why: Monitor fluid and nutrition status


Name TWO differences between upper and lower motor neuron. 

Upper Motor Neuron:

       Intact Spinal Reflex Arc, Spastic Paralysis, Spastic Bowel Tone, Spastic Rectal Tone, Retention.

Lower Motor Neuro:

       Damanged Reflex Arc, Flaccid Paralysis, Flaccied Bowel Tone, Flaccid Rectal Tone, Incontinence


THREE Signs of Neuro Storming

1. Fever over 101

2. Tachycardia: Pulse > 130

3. Tachypnea

4. Sweating

5. Rigid arms and legs

6. High blood pressure


Your patient has a known CAUTI, new onset BP 90/50, Pulse 140, experiencing fever, chills. What is happening?

What is... SEPSIS


Process for washing soiled clothing. 

1. Hooper the clothes

2. Laundry

3. Bleach Bomb


Who do you call before and after ITB test dose (on the day of testing)

Provider, ITB Therapy PT and OT 


Name THREE symptoms and THREE interventions for Autonomic Dysreflexia


     Sudden significant blood pressure increase, pounding headache, sweating and blotching above the level of injury, feeling of anxiety, blurred vision, nasal congestion, goosebumps. 


      Sit patient up, loosen any restrictive clothing (binder/dermafit/etc.), check urine drainage bag for kinks, fullness, obstructions, check for invol or rectal impaction, NitroBid paste

The two emergency medications used at Craig to arrest seizures. 

Midazolam (Versed)

Lorazepam (Ativan)


FOUR diseases that require precautions

C. Diff, CRE, COVID, Influenza, Shingles


TWO methods for testing a bed alarm prior to leaving the patients room. 

What is...

1. Set the alarm while the patient is in bed and then move the patient. Alarm should go off.

2. Set the alarm while the patient is in bed, sit on the edge of the bed and stand up. Alarm should go off.

3. Without patient in bed, sit on the bed, set the alarm and stand up. 


The Best Nursing Unit at Craig Hospital

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