Levels & Groups
Unit Rules
Unit Schedule
Meal Rules

Name 2 ways to earn a higher level. 

1. Follow unit rules. 

2. Take medication if required. 

3. Follow YOUR treatment plan. 

4. Have safe & appropriate behaviors on & off unit. 

Ask to speak with unit staff regarding YOUR level concerns. 


What level must you be to attend a fresh air break? 

You have to be a level 1 or higher to go outside for fresh air. 


What time does Lunch start, and what time does it end? 

Lunch starts at 12:00, and should hopefully be over by 12:30. Allowing enough time to prepare or relax before afternoon groups. 


What are the visitation hours during the weekdays (Monday-Friday)? 

Visitors can come on weekdays between 4:00pm - 8:00pm. 


What two accessories are shut off during meals and medication passes? 

The TV and Phones are turned off during all meals and medication passes. These items will be turned back on as soon as the events are over. 

This is a hospital policy, and is followed on all other units. 


What level must you be to attend groups? 

You have to be a Level 1 or higher to attend groups. Going to groups is very beneficial, and will help time pass while staying at WSH. Hopefully you'll also learn new coping skills, and life skills to prepare for discharge. Not to mention Treatment Teams like to see you involved and trying new things. 


Name at least 2 things that are NOT allowed on the unit? 

1. Fighting with staff or peers. 

2. Sharing or trading food. 

3. Throwing chairs, or other items. 

4. etc. 


What time is medication given out on the unit?

7:30 in the morning & 7:00 in the evening. PRN's are available whenever you need one. Treatment Teams like to see you request a PRN, it shows you have responsibility. 


What is the maximum amount of visitors per visit?

A client can have NO more than 2 visitors with them at a time. Visitors may wait in hospital lobby and rotate visiting.

This is a hospital policy and is the same on all units. Each unit only has one visitation room. Sometimes visits have to be limited due to other visitors waiting for their turn. 


Name at least 2 reasons why sharing or trading food is NOT allowed? 

1. Allergies

2. Chocking

3. Intimidation

4. Infection or Contamination 


What is the highest level to reach while on 2 Elm? 

Level 2 is normally the highest level clients reach while on 2 Elm. 

All units are slightly different, but the level system is implemented in the whole hospital. 


True or False: Day Room 2 (middle dayroom) is the only room with a DVD player? 

True! If two people are both requesting this room, whoever is watching a disk/DVD will have access first. Considering the DVD player is only available in that room, regular TV shows/ movie are available in all other dayrooms. 


What time does Dinner start on the unit? 

Dinner starts at 5:30pm and should hopefully be over by 5:30pm. 


What are the visitation hours on Saturday & Sunday?

On weekends, visitors may come from 10:00am-2:00pm, then again from 4:00pm-8:00pm. 


What happens if you trade/share/steal food with your peers? 

You will be put in the incentive book and will lose your next incentive snack. If this is a continuous issues, you may risk losing your level and other privileges'. 


Name 2 items you can bring with you to groups? 

1. composition book

2. flexi pen

3. jacket, beanie.

NO drinks, food, blankets, pillows, etc. Ask if you have any questions about what is allowed during groups! 


How many staff are required to offer a fresh air break? 

Per hospital policy, there must be 2 available staff able to escort outside. The unit milieu must be monitored by 1 staff at all times.  


What time does Breakfast start, and what time does it end? 

Breakfast starts at 8:00am and ends around 8:30am. Giving you enough time to prepare or relax before morning groups start. 


Is your visitor allowed to bring you food and other items? 

Yes, visitors may bring food for you to enjoy. Sadly, the food can not be saved once the visit is over. Other items must be approved by security before brining them to the unit. Treatment Teams must then approve for you to have that item. Safety is priority for everyone at WSH. 


What happens if you do not claim your meal tray? 

Sadly, per hospital policy if a tray is not taken by the correct client.. staff have to throw the tray away. They CANNOT give the tray to other clients, or save any items for later. Staff will come wake up all clients at meal times. If you don't want your tray, let staff know you refuse. 


If you don't like your current group schedule, what can you do? 

Inform the units Rehab staff or Mental Health Workers. They will talk to the Treatment Team and Mall leaders to see what changes can be made. 


True or False: Sharing and Trading MP3 players is allowed? 

False! There should be no trading or sharing MP3 players. MP3 players are a privilege while at WSH, and each unit has limited amounts to hand out. Music is great for coping but remember, responsibility and safety are priorities on the unit! 


What time are AM and PM groups? 

AM groups start at 9:30am and end at 11:05am.

PM groups start at 1:15pm and end at 2:50pm. 

All bedrooms and hallways will be emptied and locked during group times. 


Are there age restrictions with visitors? 

All visitors must be 18 years or older. 


If you or a peer seems to be choking or having an allergic reaction, what should you do? 

Immediately stop eating and signal for help however you can! Staff will be there as soon as possible to assist. Clients should not intervene for their own safety.